Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 21, 1968

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1035hrs Delta Company 19th Engineer vicinity BS823345 evac 6 Vietnam for cuts and head injuries caused by collision of 2 ½ Ton truck of unknown unit and a Lambretta. The accident happened, north of Bridge 108, near Ny Trang hamlet the Evac was successful. At 1400hrs Aero Scouts reports snatch 1-20 Infantry requested snatch, observed no life in area and will try again this afternoon. At 1845hrs 1-20 Infantry CPT Robb requests a snatch mission to be run again at same 3 grids at 1830hrs.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0912hrs Delta Company 19 Engineer reports road is open from LZ bronco to Bong Song. At 0920hrs Charlie Company 39 Engineer and Bravo Company 19 Engineer reports road is open from LZ Bronco to Chu Lai.


Alpha Company
July 21, 1968

At 0820hrs Alpha Company is located at BS845309. At 1122hrs Alpha Company at BS843317, detained 1 VCS, VCS led them to a hootch, which is supposed to be rice storage and pick up point. In a near by hootch found 900 pounds of polished rice under a false floor will evac. At 1150hrs Alpha Company is located at BS844314. At 1211hrs Alpha Company at BS843312 found an Army 12 gauge shot gun on river bed, wrapped in a plastic bag, weapon to rusty to read serial #. At 1840hrs Alpha Company is in their Night Defense Position at BS849314 and at 1937hrs Alpha Company 12 element acting in a roving patrol with the following checkpoints BS844314, 8BS41316, and BS841312.


Bravo Company
July 21, 1968

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder.


Charlie Company
July 21, 1968

At 0820hrs Charlie Company is located at BS824398. At 1840hrs Charlie Company is located at BS824398. At 1840hrs Charlie Company is in their Night Defense Position at BS827395 with ambushes at BS816400, BS825405, and BS843387.


Delta Company
July 21, 1968

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Charlie Brown. At 1150hrs Delta 2nd Platoon is located at BS919188 with Delta Company LZ Charlie Brown. At 1840hrs Delta Company is at LZ Charlie Brown with ambushes at BS894199, BS904201, and BS912187. SP4 Merl L. Penrod and SGT Gerald C. Aldrich were sick and evac to the 2nd Surgical Hospital at 1700hrs where attached.


Echo Company
July 21, 1968

Echo Company is located at LZ Thunder where Battalion Forward is and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and Base Defense elements on LZ Thunder. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Thunder where they continue to provide direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0835hrs Recon Platoon at BS519455 reports they have been moving since 0330hrs. Search turned up negative in hootches, in vicinity of BS513452 will remain in present location and send out patrol later today.

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