Headquarters and Headquarter Company
February 20, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0110hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Dolphin 12 flash ship is on station for Bravo Company Operation. At 0235hrs Dolphin12 the flare ship is breaking station. 1-20 Infantry reports Radar target at 2045hrs 5 to 7 stationary personnel were sighted at BS739457 with negative clearance and at 2120hrs 4-6 stationary personnel were sighted at BS791443 and were engaged with 15 HE of Artillery 105mm. At 2230hrs 4-6 personnel moving southwest at grid BS717431 and were engaged with 15 HE of Artillery 105mm and at 0200hrs 30 to 35 stationary personnel were sighted at grid BS776406 with negative clearance and Bravo Company was informed and at 0201hrs 5 to 6 stationary personnel at gird BS813393 with negative clearance and MACV was notified. At 0821hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC the Battalion Commander has left for Chu Lai and returned at 1030hrs. At 1035hrs Brigade Commander arrived at LZ Liz and departed at 1055hrs. At 1315hrs 1-20 Infantry reports all bunkers are in satisfactory condition and all have plumb bobs, same inspection team. At 1312hrs 1-20 Infantry to Recon will plan their ambushes in the grid of BS788460, BS793416 and BS791473 and tomorrow you with conduct Recon in Force to BS778443 and Bs755432 report your snake locations ASAP. At 1330hrs 1-20 Infantry the Battalion Commander left LZ Liz on a Visual Recon and returned at 1720hrs. At 1730hrs Warlord we are on Station and working in the area of the 515 Valley.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
February 20, 1970

Alpha Company continued to have their Security Mission for LZ Liz and road security.


Bravo Company
February 20, 1970

At 0010hrs Bravo Company the 32 element moving to BS782407 and the 33 element is moving BS772408. At 0025hrs Ranger element is at BS768400 and the 37 element is moving BS782399. At 1415hrs Bravo Company the 35 element spotted and engaged two VC at BS803417, one was carrying an AK 47 and the other a BAR, we called in Artillery with negative results. At 2035hrs Bravo Company the 76 element will block on the BS748450 to BS758450. The 73 element will block from BS748450 to BS748442 and the 72 element will sweep to BS752448 (we have intelligence of a weapons cache in the area).


Charlie Company
February 20, 1970

Charlie Company is on their Stand Down in Chu Lai.


Delta Company
February 20, 1970

At 0730hrs Delta Company we are moving out of our Night Defense Position with the 32 and 43 elements moving out in 15 minutes. At 1110hrs Delta Company 72 found two hootches with cooking utensils, the hootches were destroyed and 72 is checking out the trails leading away from the hootches. At 1645hrs Delta Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position at BS763334 with 74 to BS764339, 44 to BS767331 and 34 moving to BS761331. At 1755hrs Delta Company need a Routine Dust Off with a possible ruptured kidney from grid BS763334. Name Jalme, Dust Off completed at 1803hrs. At 1850hrs Delta Company has closed on their Night Defense Positions and snake locations.


Echo Company
February 20, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0645hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fires 2, Observed Missions 7 for a total expended 13 HE, 4 WP and 2 Illumination and 9 C/S rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0710hrs Recon reports the 44 and the 42 element have closed on grid BS804470. At 0802hrs Recon Platoon today we will sweep to grid BS803462 and checking out the entire area. The 44 element will sweep form BS790474 to BS796460 and set up an OP and at 1300hrs the element will link up with the entire element at BS805463. Tonight’s snake locations are at 28 at BS804459, 44 at BS794468 and 44 at BS803450. At 1300hrs Recon Platoon our present location is BS808466. We had negative results on the patrols except for a few spider holes and footprints, which were about 1 week old. At 1312hr 1-20 Infantry to Recon will plan their ambushes in the grid of BS788460, BS793416 and BS791473 and tomorrow you with conduct Recon in Force to BS778443 and BS755432 report your snake locations ASAP. At 1345hrs Recon reports their snake locations 28 is at BS788460, the 42 snake is at BS793446 and the 44 snake is at BS791473. At 1700hrs Recon Platoon the 44 element received approximately 10 rounds of automatic sniper fire from grid BS784476, negative casualties and artillery is being called in. At 1900hrs Recon the 44 element checking out the area of BS784476 had negative results, while moving back they took approximately 20 rounds of AK47 fire from 2 locations BS786473 and we are calling in artillery and have negative casualties. At 1920hrs Recon the 42 element has spotted 10 to 12 personnel approximately 800 meters to their front at BS787447 and we are calling in artillery. At 1930hrs Recon the 28 element is moving into their snake location and at BS788460 they spotted and engaged 3-4 VC, we are checking out the area and have found 1 male VC KIA and 1 ammo box, also 1 GI sweater, 1 poncho and misc. personal items CIA.

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