Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 1, 1971
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0135hrs Saber 40 is on station for Box #60. At 0325hrs Saber 40 is on station to check Box 61 and reports negative findings in Box 60. At 0401hrs Saber 40 broke station for Box 61 with negative findings. At 0440hrs Q Company is on LZ Liz Access Road, received 1 sniper round 500 meters south of the road, M-16. At Weather Report: Partly cloudy with early morning fog, wind southeast 8 to 20 knots, Temperature 70 to 84 with humidity 65 to 95%, outlook through Wednesday is little change. At 0900hrs 26 Engineers, mine sweep of Access Road is completed, road is open at this time. At 1450hrs S-4 Minuteman 11 is on station for re supply. Legend: 1st Platoon 47, 2nd Platoon 34, 3rd Platoon 92, 4th Platoon 93, CO-99.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
March 1, 1971
At 0849hrs Alpha Company 1st platoon ambush closed vicinity BS770412. LZ Liz continues their Security Mission for LZ Liz.
Bravo Company
March 1, 1971
At 0020hrs Bravo Company Command Post 2nd and 4th Platoon moving out for Night Defense Position vicinity BS714434 and closed at 0050hrs. At 0640hrs Bravo Company reports on last contact that the 7 rucksacks they captured contained salt. At 0713hrs Bravo Company Command Post 1st and 4th Platoon Patrol Base BS718437, 1st Platoon Patrol Based is BS714438. At 1500hrs Bravo Company 2nd Platoon vicinity BS732431 detained 4 Vietnamese female with pack strap marks 17 to 50 will be back hauled to Duc Pho. At 1925hrs Bravo Company vicinity BS718437 requested tactical priority Dust Off for 1 US foreign objects in eye and 1 US with undiagnosed illness, Line # R8634, G5537 completed at 1944hrs.
Charlie Company
March 1, 1971
At 0915hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon is moving out for LZ Dragon. At 1054hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon has closed on LZ Dragon. At 2029hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon at OP PAX vicinity BS693538 received large unknown type of HE rounds land 50 meters outside their perimeter to their southwest. Charlie Company suspected the fire came from BS690510 and requests a 4.2 Fire Mission into the area.
Delta Company
March 1, 1971
At 0825hrs Delta Company have all elements moving to pre planned locations OP Wink BS699562, Pax BS693538, Wood Stock BS673572. At 1345hrs OP Wink vicinity 697550, civilians working vicinity of OP Wink detonated a Booby Trap, was Hand Frag with trip wire release dive. Dust Off 2 civilians injured. Also found a booby trap at BS699561 a can Petna with trip wire across a trail blew up in place. At 1935hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon in Night Defense Position vicinity BS695555 and at 2045hrs 1st Platoon location BS681536.
Echo Company
March 1, 1971
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 0653hrs Recon Platoon has closed on LZ Liz.