Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 1, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0100hrs IOS has sighting at BS735425 blinking lights. At 0200hrs Radar Target sighting at BS768434 3 to 4 stationary Charlie Company was notified. At 0705hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry 74 is at BS744557, the 14 element is at BS745554, the 94 element is at BS748561, 1 load rice ready at the 74 and 94 elements and 2 loads ready at the 14 elements location. At 0727hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry and 26 Engineer work area today and in this location BS775565. At 0747hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC request Area of Operation extension from grid BS700480 to BS757500 Date and Time 011500hrs June to 102400hrs June 1970 purpose combat operations, called to Brigade and 010800hrs June 70 approved by CPT Shey. At 0920hrs Battalion Commander spotted 15 VCS, 7 VCS another location, requested Combat Assault aircraft, rejected by Brigade Bravo Company has a PZ element on 05 minutes notice at Twin Ville. At 0940hrs Battalion Commander made a 2 man Combat Assault east of Twin Ville to check personnel in area, all had Duc Pho ID cards. At 0950hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry have civilians leaving area of BS745535 and moving to red ball. At 1105hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry plans Company Night Defense Position at BS755556, the 74 is to search BS752554, the 14 to search BS754550 and the 64 is to search BS754557. At 1235hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry while in Day Logger at BS752556 received 2 sniper rounds AK 47 from 250 meters north direction, 28 element pursued 6 persons, with 2 AK 47, 1 pistol belt, evaded northwest. At 1420hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry 74 element while on patrol in area of sniper fire got 1 female detainee age 30, dress black pants, green shirt, had been running a long time and was wet from waist down as if she had been hiding in a rice paddy. She had no ID and will evac to LZ Bronco. At 1600hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry the 74 is at BS751560 found, blew 1 tunnel 30’ long, camouflaged entrance covered by NVA poncho, showed recent use. At 1610hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC rice extracted today a total of 18,000 broken down as 3,000 Delta 1-20 Infantry and 15,000 Delta Company 4-21 Infantry and Delta Company 1-20 Infantry had 8,000 left for extraction. At 1605hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry Dust Off urgent 1 VC female gunshot wound on the back and side, suspected she was shot during contact early in day about 1235hrs she says her husband was killed by US about 10 days ago was completed at 1620hrs. At 1710hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry and 26 Engineer total Operation hour 32, Cleared 62 acres from BS771568 to BS775570 to BS768572 to BS774574 used 300 gallons of fuel, 4 D7 operational, 1 deadline thermostat and 2 CEV operational. At 1815hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry and 26 Engineer have closed on their Night Defense Position at BS778557. At 1835hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry is taking incoming 1 RPG and AK 47 fire from northwest about 100 meters away, Primo 4 on station at 1840hrs checked area, element sweeping area, negative findings. The 14 element took sniper fire from hedgerow at BS745554 100 meters to southeast, checked area, negative findings, 1 Vietnamese male wounded in fire fight, routine Dust Off in morning. At 1900hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry will be released from OPCON to 1-20 Infantry as of 030700 June 1970, returned to unit control 4-21 Infantry responsible for movement of unit control and 4-21 Infantry responsible for movement of unit direct coordination authorized, directed. At 2002hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry in location 94 at BS748551, 96 at BS745557 and Command Post at BS754554 with mechanical ambush at BS745555. At 2100hrs Brigade Intelligence: placement of mines, western side of trench, 400 to 500 meters west of stream running from BS762597 to BS779562. Information comes from detainee picked up at Minh Tan Bac Hamlet in Duc Lunag Village in Mo Duc District, everyone in hamlet knows location of mines. The mines at base of Mui Van Bang Mountain, north of Minh Tan Village, mines are in this location when the stream in location is dry. At 2200hrs Delta Company 4-21 Infantry notified that they could be called on a standby alert for possible Combat Assault, the 4-21 Recon Platoon is securing a downed shark from earlier enemy contact. Delta Company 4-21 Infantry was notified to have 1 radio on command push 43.95, ground contact will be beach Papa, also to have radio on Charlie Company internal 6315 call sign Creole Cheer, 3 PZ grids BS754554, BS745557 and BS748557 and the LZ will be BS821332. At 2215hrs Radar sighting at BS725442 6 to 8 stationary Delta Company was notified.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
June 1, 1970

At 1855hrs Alpha Company Command Post closed on BS743462 with the 76 and 78 elements moving to snake location BS726487, BS733474. At 1955hrs, Alpha Company reports their elements are locations the 77 is at BS740487, the 48 is at BS733474, the 96 at BS748472, the 97 at BS754454, and the 98 at BS728457. At 2100hrs Alpha Company notified that they would be re supplied by road, rear is notified that they need hot A’s.


Bravo Company
June 1, 1970

At 0535hrs Bravo Company reports 78 is moving out to BS778462, 0600hrs Bravo Company 97 is moving out to BS775432 and 78 in position at BS778462. Bravo Company continued to work with the ARVN elements with multiple patrols, Day Ambushes and sweeps. At 0935hrs Bravo Company reports the 14 element found 4’ X 4’ bunker, inside was back shirt and US jungle sweater, bunker was destroyed. At 1125hrs Bravo Company 14 element closed found 1 grave at BS818408 the Kit Carson Scout said body was of a female KBA about a month ago. At 1910hrs Bravo Company 76 spotted, engaged 2 to 3 VC at BS767454, and the VC evaded southeast into a wood line, checked area with negative finding or weapons. At BS758458 the 76 element detained 1 Vietnamese male age 17 dressed in purple, no ID, will go to MACV. Bravo Company Night locations at 2017hrs in location the 96-BS784427, the 78-BS777459 and 18-BS815402.


Charlie Company
June 1, 1970

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0035hrs Charlie Company 79 element closed on LZ Liz. At 2010hrs Charlie Company reports 98 element patrol locations BS760735 to BS776445.


Delta Company
June 1, 1970

At 0746hrs Delta Company in location the 94 element is at BS741561, 74 BS739590, 14 and 54 elements with Command Post at BS738566 with no patrols. At 1120hrs Delta Company routine Dust Off of Vietnamese Civilian with stomach wound from unknown sources, with intestines exposed completed at 1150hrs. Delta Company has 8000 pounds left to extract. At 2015hrs Delta Company reports their Night locations 94 BS736561, 74 BS738751, Command Post BS734575. At 2030hrs Delta Company 74 had mechanical ambush go off at BS738571, checked area, negative findings.


Echo Company
June 1, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0604hrs 4.2 Platoon Fire Mission 7 for a total expended of 31 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0700hrs Recon Platoon reports the 94 element in their Day Logger at BS776580 and the 95 at BS753594. At 0725hrs Recon the 94a is moving out on patrol to BS762583. At 0930hrs Recon 94a patrol found a hole 4’ deep X 5’ long, civilians in area said 20 VC stayed here last night. At 1020hrs Recon Platoon 84a patrol has closed and at 1020hrs Recon will have snakes locations tonight the 94 at BS773583 and the 97 at BS765583. At 2000hrs Recon Platoon locations 94 at BS773583, 97 at BS765583 and 95 is at BS748599.

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