Assuming Operational Control

Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 1, 1968

Headquarters Company is located at LZ Carentan and begins to move Key Personnel to LZ Bronco, which will be the Battalion Headquarters Rear Area for most of their time in Vietnam. The Mess Hall personnel set up to prepare for shipping food both hot and C rations to the field from LZ Budwiser Pad (became known as Bud Pad) and continue to operations was moved West a little until the Battalion move North in 1971 and Bronco was turn over to ARVN. Headquarters Company forward with the Battalion TOC was being move to LZ Thunder, which was to be our home for awhile. At 0910hrs 1-20 Infantry reports transportation has not arrived to take people to NCO Academy.

Alpha Company
January 1, 1968

Alpha Company was finishing up any last minute training and preparing to move into the Duc Pho Area of Operations preparing to take over control of LZ Thunder which will become the Battalion Forward Tactical Operation Center (TOC).

Bravo Company
January 1, 1968

Bravo Company prepares for taking over the Area of Operation and Combat Assault into the DUC PHO Area of operation and starting of what will be the Operation Champaign.

Charlie Company
January 1, 1968

Charlie Company has the Security Mission for LZ Carentan.

Delta Company
January 1, 1968

Delta Company continued to prepare for their joining the 1st Battalion 20th Infantry Combat Operations with the Americal Division in Vietnam.

Echo Company
January 1, 1968

Echo Company Commander and key personnel plan the move to the new Battalion Forward TOC at LZ Thunder.

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