Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 1, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0050hrs PF 174, at BS786434, reported that unknown size enemy force entered Van Trung village and set fire to several hootches as well as fired some Small arms fire at 0125hrs Contact broken enemy evaded to the east results negative casualties and unknown # of hootches destroyed, unknown enemy results. At 0645hrs MACV Mo Duc at BS774533, requested Urgent Dust Off for 3 PSDF and 2 Vietnamese civilians who were WIA as a result of hand grenades thrown by sapper (infiltrators), completed at 0706hrs. At 0840hrs Slow Motion 3 is on station. At 0900hrs LZ Liz reports Access Road open at this time. At 0920hrs 1-4 ARVN at BS623541, got 3 VC/NVA KIA, 1 M-60 machinegun CIA, 1-4 ARVN got 3 VC/NVA KIA, 2 AK47, 10 baskets rice and 30 Chi Com grenades CIA at BS616540. At 1045hrs 1-4 ARVN found an overlay on 1 of the KIA ARVN interpretation cover area of 2,000 meters from grid BS623544 to BS620523. US advisors say that it has enemy locations at grid BS630539, BS632536, BS628534, BS626532 and BS624530. At 1135hrs MACV Mo Duc RF 161 at BS672530 reports OP Pax receiving incoming 60mm mortar rounds, Artillery Fire Mission called in, took 6 rounds of 60mm outside perimeter with negative damage or casualties. At 1330hrs S-5 Med Cap completed and total number of patients treated 163. At 2135hrs 1-20 Infantry Radar OP 3 sighted 10 to 12 personnel that where moving southwest to N/H requested due to contact to north expended 5 HE rounds Artillery 105mm. At 2146hrs 1-20 Infantry Radar OP 3 sighted 10 to 12 personnel that where moving south negative N/H, due to contact in expended 6 HE rounds quick Artillery 105mm. At 2146hrs MACV Duc Pho 9 PF from 174 PF, Van Truong Ville had a squad of VC enter Ville and set fire to several hootches and 1-20 Infantry fired Illumination from LZ Liz and requested Nighthawk, which was denied. At 2300hrs VC evaded from Ville, no exchange of fire, negative friendly casualties unknown # of hootches burned. At 2158hrs LZ Liz is on practice alert, ended at 2215hrs. At 2202hrs TMF FM TC at 2100hrs String 310 target B 2 to 3 personnel moving east to west a 3 miles per hour, metal was confirmation and at 2113hrs cancelled Fire Mission. Due to activation of String 313 Target A at 2113hrs had 2 to 3 personnel moving east to west at 3 miles per hour with metal confirmation and engaged at 2123hrs with 12 HE VT rounds Artillery 155mm. At 2335hrs PF 167 at OP BS768531 received 60mm mortar fire (10 rounds) from northwest and at the same time Nui Ong Do Ville BS776535 came under ground attack from northwest contact broken at 0110hrs, results 1 PF WIA multiple frag wounds and 2 civilians WIA with gunshot wounds. Saber 44 came on station at 0115hrs and escorted Dust Off in and Broke station after Dust Off was completed. Legend: 1st Platoon 88, 2nd Platoon 79, 3rd Platoon 39, 4th Platoon 17, CO-37.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
April 1, 1971

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. Around 2010hrs Access road Security heard voices near bunker closes to highway 1, interpreter confirmed they were talking about snappers and LIZ, engaged area with 81 HE unknown results. At 2158hrs LZ Liz is on practice alert, ended at 2215hrs. SGT Allen R. Barfield, SGT Ananion McBride, PFC Mark E. Singleton, PFC Larry E. Foust and PFC Earl R. Mashburn were attached to the 91st Evac Hospital.


Bravo Company
April 1, 1971

At 1050hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon at BS605540 found hooch well camouflaged with grass had 20 pounds of rice, two machetes, cooking utensils and clothing also recent activity of 2-3 personnel. At 1235hrs Bravo Company at BS663545 request tactical priority Dust Off for 5 US with heat exhaustion line #B7373 Braiel, #D2670 Dynon, #B5164 New Man, #B6156 Brown and *M7784 Mace. Bird 83 and 88 completed at 1500hrs. At 1800hrs Bravo Company at BS695543, requests Urgent Dust Off for 1 US with vomiting and possible asthma attack #H9816, Re Supply bird Minuteman 28 completed the pick up at 1805hrs. At 2201hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon at 649514, received a transmission on the internal push as follows "any station this push this is 37 Mike" 1st Platoon answered but there was no reply from the other station.


Charlie Company
April 1, 1971

At 0815hrs Charlie Company 3rd Platoon is moving out to BS711492. At 0830hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon patrol is moving to BS720483. At 1030hrs Charlie Company at BS720475, 2nd Platoon found approximately 50 positions sleeping, storage points, OP and fighting Position. At 1135hrs Charlie Company Command Position found 1 155mm round, 600 meters from their Night Defense Position at BS728465, was not set up as a booby trap, was blown in place. At 1813hrs Charlie Company 2nd and 4th Platoon along with Command Post at BS736458. At 1907hrs 1st Platoon at BS719445 and at 2145hrs Charlie Company 3rd Platoon closed on Command Post vicinity BS736458.


Delta Company
April 1, 1971

0725hrs Delta Company Command Post 2nd and 4th Platoon in Patrol Base location vicinity BS679504, 1st Platoon patrol closed on BS658518. At 0830hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon patrol is moving to BS655516 and 2nd Platoon patrol is moving to BS684500. At 1520hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon heard sniper rounds and what they thought was an M-79 canister rounds. A Vietnamese child came to their Patrol Base seriously wounded, Delta Company requested urgent Dust Off upon examining wounds they thought to be made by an M-79 canister round. Completed Dust Off at 1600hrs by Bird # 88. At 1730hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon is moving to BS698518. At 2000hrs all elements in there pre planned locations Command Post, 2nd and 4th Platoons is at BS682507, 1st Platoon is at BS664517 and 3rd Platoon in vicinity BS698518.


Echo Company
April 1, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry.

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