Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 19, 1970

Forward Area: (1-20 Infantry Headquarters) is located at LZ Liz and continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 2112hrs South OP spotted 5 VC moving to the base of their location. They engaged the area with M-60 fire, at BS748421 spotted movement through the starlight after they fired and engaged again at 2138hrs with negative further spotting. At 2215hrs Blue Ghost Black on station requests clearance for Box 68 cleared LT Lewis, at 2237hrs Black moving out of Box 68 with negative sightings, going to Duc Pho to refuel. Legend: 1st Platoon 83-88, 2nd Platoon 33-38, 3rd Platoon 03-08, 4th Platoon 63-68 and CO 09.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0130hrs LATE SPOT, LZ Bronco vicinity BS821381, the bunker line in the Battalion rear spotted 1 personnel in the perimeter. The man had 1 M-16 and 1 M-79. The man gave himself up and stated he was an RF soldier who had deserted his unit. The individual was turned into the POW compound.


Alpha Company
December 19, 1970

Alpha Company used both Day Ambushes and patrols in their Area of Operation. At 1929hrs Alpha Company Locations Command Post and 4th Platoon at BS674550, 1st Platoon BS673572 with ambush 675576, 670580 and 2nd Platoon ambush BS672550, BS670548, BS694540 and ambush BS688535, BS690540. At 2110hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon vicinity BS694540, had a trip flare was in a ditch to the north of their location. They engaged with small arms, checked area with negative results.


Bravo Company
December 19, 1970

At 0810hrs Bravo Company, all elements moving off of Liz at this time. At 0900hrs 2nd Platoon Patrol Base BS749446, Bravo Company Command Post 1st Platoon at vicinity BS735432. At 1050hrs Bravo Company vicinity BS794443, while moving from LZ Liz detained 1 wearing purple and black, age 50, had and ID that the Kit Carson Scout said was phony, also said the man was VC and he was evac to Duc Pho. At 1915hrs Bravo Company Command Post is at BS724426, 3rd Platoon BS749559 with ambushes BS750557, BS747560, 2nd Platoon BS745456 with ambush BS746459 and 1st Platoon ambushes BS717427 and BS720430.


Charlie Company
December 19, 1970

Charlie Company will continue their VIP program and patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0835hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon searching contact area of last night found 10 M-16 cartridges and same scattered footprints, were unable to determine what direction were headed, will search again later. At 1815hrs Charlie Company vicinity BS769369, 2nd Platoon bought 1 81mm HE round, 1 4.2 Illumination round, 1 M-79 HE round for 1 ½ boxes of C Rations. Command Post bought 2 81mm HE for 1 box of C rations 1 dated 1958, 1 dated 1968 bought BS752388. 3rd Platoon destroyed 1 8" round vicinity BS750390 paid 3 boxes of C Rations and all ordinance, was blown in place and purchased from Vietnamese children. At 1945hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon Rat patrol vicinity BS725417 spotted 3 VC/NVA with weapons. They engaged with small arms at approximately 50-75 meters. The VC returned fired approximately 12-15 rounds in 3 round bursts and the VC where moving the west and evaded to the southeast. We checked the area out with negative results, pulled back and engaged area with artillery, and we will check area again in morning. At 2049hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon Rat Patrol closed on BS722415.


Delta Company
December 19, 1970

Delta Company moved into LZ Liz to take over the Security Mission as Bravo Company moved out.


Echo Company
December 19, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0645hrs LATE SPOT, Recon vicinity BS743432, while in their night ambush location they spotted 2 VC dressed in all black running west parallel to their position at a distance of 300 meters. They engaged and pursued the evading enemy into a village. Once they arrived in the village they lost sight of the enemy. A further search of the area revealed negative findings. At 1335hrs Recon Platoon is moving out for BS749443. At 1730hrs Medical Platoon and S-5 is vicinity BS745667, Combat Assault Med Cap conducted in Duc Hai Village with the following treatment provided: Plague Shots 110, Cholera Shots 110, Digestive tract ?, Disease 28, eye disease 18, skin Disease 43, other disease 39 URI 67 for a total of treatments of 415.

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