Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 19, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1500hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Command and Control helicopter at BS735455 reports Charlie 35 detained 1 man, negative ID, civilian clothes and will evac to LZ Bronco. At 1505hrs Transport Convoy will be in 11 Brigade Area of Operation from 20 April 1970 coming from Quin Nhon, times and procedures are Standard Operating Procedures. Will entry the Area of Operation approximately April 20, 1100hrs and stay overnight in Chu Lai and will depart to Chu Lai at 0800hrs on April 21 on return trip to Quin Nhon.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0145hrs Base Defense Bunker 38 observed something running down Carentan Road on the southeast side of perimeter and engaged with 81mm mortar, M-79 and M-60 fire.
Alpha Company
April 19, 1970
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz with Alpha Company conducting roving patrols along the assess road and some Day and Night Ambushes around the LZ.
Bravo Company
April 19, 1970
Bravo Company continued their work with PF and PF elements and Security Mission for the Hamlets and Pacification Program in their Area of Operation. At 1410hrs Bravo Company at BS810446 found and blew 2 dud 155 rounds. Bravo Company moved into their Night Defense Position at BS783433.
Charlie Company
April 19, 1970
Charlie Company is using Day Ambushes and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. Set up Day logger positions and work out of them. At 0645hrs Charlie Company 61 at BS718453 found 1 dud 155mm round while on patrol and destroyed in place. At 1005hrs Charlie Company vicinity BS724474 reports Dust Off completed of 1 US with bleeding hemorrhoids. At 1341hrs Charlie Company at 718453 completed a routine Dust Off for 1 US with 104 temp. Charlie Company moved into their Night Defense Position at BS729452. At 1500hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Command and Control helicopter at BS735455 reports Charlie 35 detained 1 man, negative ID, civilian clothes and will evac to LZ Bronco. At 2045hrs Charlie Company reports their Night Defense Position at BS729452 with multiply ambushes out.
Delta Company
April 19, 1970
Delta Company will established their Day Loggers and use multiple patrolling and some Day Ambush in their Area of Operation. At 1410hrs Delta Company dug up 7 graves with bodies badly decomposed unknown how died or when. At 1935hrs Delta Company at BS783478 engaged 2 VC in black PJ evading south into tree line, engaged at 500 meters with small arms fire with negative results. Delta Company then at BS783500 engaged 1 male and 1 female with small arms fire from 400 meters away, the male was carrying AK-47 and returned fire, unknown what type clothing he was wearing. Also found 1 bunker and 1 concealed sleeping position, 5 mine marks 2’ bamboo poles with letters M.I.N., VC evaded to northwest negative results. At 1900hrs Delta Company 42 at BS780500 completed Urgent Dust Off. At 2025hrs Delta Company report their Night Defense Position at BS834407 with multiple ambushes. At 2200hrs Delta Company sighted 9 VC some had weapons, unknown type of clothing moving 600 meters from friendly location and pursued. Had unknown type of Booby Trap at BS787500 results 2 US and 1 Kit Carson Scout Dust Off and Dust Off took AK fire from north 300 meters from friendly location. Engaged enemy location with Artillery with unknown results, haven’t checked out area Dust Off completed at 1900hrs. Delta Company at BS780500 recap 1 US (loss of both legs), 1 US frag wounds to head and I Kit Carson Scout wound in the head. I US died at 23rd Medical. SP4 JERRY LEROY RESINGER LISTED AS KHA. Delta Company reports PFC Byron D. Rodd Friar B 23 Medical with FW left arm and head and ruptured left ear. (I believe the Kit Carson Scout also Died of Wounds)
Echo Company
April 19, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 1150hrs Recon Platoon reports locations the same as night ambushes now day ambushes and OP. At 1615hrs Recon at BS829408 the 61 element found and blew in place 5 fresh used bunkers, also small amount of food and water destroyed. At 2025hrs Recon Platoon report their Night Defense Position at BS834407. At 2130hrs Recon Platoon reports 62 at BS834407, 63 at BS826430 and 64 at BS816430.