Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 18, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0405hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Radar at 2010hrs spotted 3 to 5 stationary personnel at BS739438 with negative clearance because Recon Platoon was moving. And at 2030hrs 3 to 4 stationary personnel were sighted at BS742423 and engaged with 12 HE rounds from 4.2 Mortar. At 2330hrs 8 to 10 stationary personnel were sighted at BS730439 with negative clearance due to the proximity of Recon and at 2355hrs 10 to 15 stationary personnel were sighted at grid BS712412 and engaged with 10 HE rounds of Artillery 105. At 0025hrs 7 to 8 stationary personnel were sighted at grid BS712412 and engaged with 16 HE of Artillery 105 and 19 HE of Artillery 155 and at 0345hrs 10 to 15 personnel with 6 HE of Artillery 105. At 0440hrs 10 to 15 personnel were sighted moving south at BS777485 and engaged with 14 HE Artillery. At 0715hrs Brigade, was informed by CPT NcNeil that we would not get a mine dog replacement. The reason being, there is a priority mission to the north and it was impossible to get an ETA on the dog. At 1125hrs from Brigade, we request a Combat Assault for Recon which was approve, we are to be flexible on the PZ time and is to be sometime after the LRRP is inserted. At 1930hrs 1-20 Commanders have re emphasized the Rules of Engagement to insure proper treatment of POW, detainees and Vietnamese Nationals.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
March 18, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1930hrs 1-20 Infantry Commander have reemphasized the rules of engagement to insure proper treatment of POW, detainees and Vietnamese nationals. At 2010hrs Alpha Company the 35 element is at BS761435 and roving from BS764437, the 36 element is at BS764437 and roving to BS770440 and the 37 element is at BS770440 and roving to BS775444 with the 15 element is moving to BS759415.


Bravo Company
March 18, 1970

At 0920hrs Bravo Company 36 element has destroyed 2 12X 5 X 12.5 feet reinforced bunker at BS789375. We destroyed with 40 pound shaped charges. The bunker was reinforced with bricks and Engineer stakes. At 1610hrs Bravo Company the Command Post request an ambulance to extract one Vietnamese baby with temp of 104 and the aid station in the rear was informed. At 1703hrs Bravo Company 76 element destroyed booby trap in place at BS785475. At 1750hrs the 64 element got 6 females detainees ages 30 to 40, no ID dressed in black and blue and pick up at BS780462 and sent to MACV.


Charlie Company
March 18, 1970

At 0715hrs Charlie Company we are moving to our Day Logger at BS725375. At 1435hrs Charlie Company 92 and 32 element have spotted 10 VC/NVA dressed in black pajamas at BS725389 they had 3 weapons. The 92 element fired on the VC/NVA and they fired back and evaded. We called in Artillery and Helix 36 with fighters working over the area. After Air strikes conducted search of area revealed one plastic poncho and pieces of silk cloth. At 1900hrs we arrived at the Night Defense Position at BS724373.


Delta Company
March 18, 1970

At 0647hrs Delta Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position at BS793360. Delta Company continued to use saturation patrolling in their Area of Operations. At 0744hrs Delta Company the 32 element is moving to secure the Engineer at BS769532. At 1035hrs Delta Company 32 element requests a routine Dust Off for 1 VC child with possible Hemorrhoids at grid BS776434 and completed at 1145hrs. At 1125hrs Delta 62 element has closed on their Day Logger at grid BS788353 we found one sleeping position about 2 months old. There was a hole with mat in it with high grass surrounding it. At 1450hrs Delta Company 37 element is finished with the Road Security and is returning to the Day Logger. At 1600hrs Delta Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS786366. At 1700hrs Delta Company we are 500 meters south of our Night Defense Position at grid BS786351 we are moving out on security patrols of individual positions. At 1740hrs Delta Company 12 element patrol spotted 4 VC will packs and 1 weapon, we engaged with small arms fire and gave chase when the VC evaded to the southwest, we called in artillery as a block, Delta Company 62 was sent to assist the Delta Company 12 after the 12 reported sniper fire, search of area with negative results. At 1855hrs Delta Company the 12 and 62 elements are closing on BS788364 and will collect our gear and move out to BS786366. At 2050hrs Delta Company final Night Defense Position is BS729377 with 32 at BS776636.


Echo Company
March 18, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. 4.2 Platoon reports Scheduled Fires 15, Observed Mission 1 and Defensive Target 2 with total expended 33 HE, 3 WP and 32 Illumination. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0630hrs Recon element are moving back to LZ Liz. At 0711hrs Recon Platoon we found 1 81mm booby trap at BS745433 which we blew in place and it was a trip wire type. At 0745hrs the 34 element has closed on LZ Liz. At 0815hrs Recon Platoon all Recon elements have closed on LZ Liz.

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