Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 18, 1968

Forward Area 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder as the Battalion returns to Control of the 11th Light Infantry Brigade Control in the Duc Pho Area of Operation. At 1755hrs MACV Duc Pho reports approximately 200 VC at BS870260 with mission to attack bridge 104 or LZ Thunder. Before dark they will move to either BS854285 or BS877269. At 2045hrs 1-20 Infantry from LZ Thunder spotted notified light at 2025hrs at BS863329 flashing on and off in conduction with another light also flashing across lake on azimuth 5400mils, engaged with 81mm mortars and both went out. At 2131hrs Alpha Company at Charlie Brown reports that a bridge south is apparently under attack, observed mortar flashes at grid BS917207. Battalion TOC will alert 173rd Airborne in Area of Operation south of LZ Charlie Brown. At 2340hrs LRRP 1-20 Infantry Tuxedo 27 at BS920233 reports movement 200-500 meters north of their position.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0001hrs Sector A Bunker #4 300 to 500 meters in front saw two small flashes and immediately afterward Bunker #7 Reported 2 large explosives approximately 75 meters in front of bunker, Check out caters at 0630hrs area and confirmed satchel charges were used. At 0005hrs Bunker line went on 100% alert. At 0935hrs Delta Company Engineer reports Road from LZ Dragon to Bong Song is clear. At 0951hrs Charlie Company 39 Engineer road from LZ Dragon to Chu Lai is clear. At 0930hrs Charlie Company 19 Engineer at 913262, while setting up a 50 caliber machine gun on bridge 94 1 nabd truooed a N-26 grenade booby trap with results 4 US WIA Dust Off at 1015hrs , the pin of grenade was found tied to wire used as a trip wire, At 1000hrs Bravo Company 19 Engineer Highway 1 is open from LZ Bronco to LZ Dragon. At 1035hrs Delta Company 19 Engineer at 0805hrs at 834334 were informed by PF that road was mined and booby trapped thru My Thrang Hamlet, investigation results in 8 beer cans with wire and weights on east and west shoulders of road. All were blown in place with no secondary explosions negative casualties.


Alpha Company
June 18, 1968

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Charlie Brown. At 0820hrs Alpha Company has Day ambushes located at BS920255 and BS895228. At 1456hrs Alpha Company has 2 platoons located at 2nd BS915257 and 3rd at BS899228. At 1456hrs Alpha Company is located at BS921254. At 1837hrs Alpha Company (-) at Charlie Brown with Alpha Company 10 Roving Patrol Checkpoints BS933233, BS933240, BS929251, BS921254 and 20 ambushes BS895243, 22 BS899241, 30 listening post at BS936222. At 1942hrs Alpha Company 10 at BS933240 chased 1 military age male into hooch. Found him hiding under pile of clothing, with a woman in hootch. Also a National Panasonic 3 Ban Short Wave Radio on 6000 megacycles was there. Going to keep him as he had no ID, white shirt, black pants will evac to Charlie Brown as soon as possible. At 2025hrs Alpha Company 6 at Charlie Brown reports that a bridge south apparently under attack observed mortar flashes at grid BS917207.


Bravo Company
June 18, 1968

Bravo Company is at LZ Bronco for their Stand Down. At 1837hrs Bravo Company has moved to their Night Defense Position at BS777381 and ambushes 31 BS775386 and 32 BS769372.


Charlie Company
June 18, 1968

Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder. Charlie Company has a day ambush at BS844319 and at 1011hrs Charlie Company is located at BS864336. At 1837hrs Charlie Company is at LZ Bronco for their Stand Down.


Delta Company
June 18, 1968

At 0820hrs Delta Company is being to move out of their night position and headed toward LZ Thunder. At 1005hrs Delta Company 10 and Command Post is at LZ Thunder with 20 at BS886306 and 3rd Platoon at BS883327 and taken over the Security Mission for LZ Thunder. At 1250hrs Recon Platoon at 819407 found a 105 round, 20 pounds of rice in water, 1 sand bag of rice in bombed out bunker, 1 can of kerosene in weeds by a well used trail. Trail looked as if people had been on it recently will put ambush there. At 1837hrs Delta Company Reports ambush locations D 21 at BS842311, D 22 at BS830317 and D 23 at BS840318.


Echo Company
June 18, 1968

Echo Company is located at LZ Thunder where Battalion Forward is and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and Base Defense elements on LZ Thunder. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Thunder where they continue to provide direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0820hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS825404. At 1250hrs Recon Platoon reports at BS819407 found 105mm round, 20 pounds of rice in water, 1 sandbag of rice in bombed out bunker, 1 can of kerosene in weeds by a well used trail. Trail looked as if people had been on it recently, will put ambush there. At 1356hrs Recon Reports Recon 1 at BS821402, 2 at BS818406 and 3 with Command Post at BS817403. At 1837hrs Recon reports their Night Defense Position at BS823407 with 10 ambushes at BS 818403.

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