Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 18, 1968
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units their Area of Operations. At 1640hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC Command and Control Helicopter detained 2 VC will evac to LZ Liz at BS763572 and at 1621hrs at BS764574 detained 1 VC evading also evac to LZ Liz. At 1655hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC Command and Control Helicopter at BS743573 engaged 1 VC evading results 1 VC KIA and at 1725hrs detained 1 VCS also 1 round AK 47 ammo at BS753570. At 1844hrs E Troop 1 Cav at BS915257 track detonated mine, track total combat loss with 2 KHA and 2 WHA.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0800hrs Charlie Company 39 Engineer at BS717596 received 10 rounds sniper fire, negative casualties and returned fire and continued their Mine Sweep. At 1100hrs to 1130hrs 19 December 1968 26 Engineer reports Bridge North Side of River reason pulling bridge would you pass the information to Assistant Division Transportation.
Alpha Company
December 18, 1968
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Dragon. At 0940hrs Alpha Company is at BS760525 has 1 US WHA hit by Booby Trap mine and is evac to Chu Lai, he was in fair condition by Command and Control Helicopter. Also found 1 105mm Artillery and 81mm Mortar round Booby Trap and they where blown in place. At 1250hrs Alpha Company at BS768535 engaged 1 VC evading north and results is 1 VC KIA. At 1345hrs Alpha Company at BS786535, 1 VC CIA tried to escape and we now have 1 VC KIA. At 1405hrs Alpha Company at BS786535 detained 80 VCS walking to Mo Duc MACV. At 2100hrs Alpha Company located at LZ Dragon with 91 at BS705222 and BS713555. William F McDermott was awarded the Purple Heart? SP4 Gene L. Schukar was attached to the 312th Evac Hospital (SP4 GENE L. SCHUKAR SEE JANUARY 19, 1969).
Bravo Company
December 18, 1968
Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1010hrs Bravo Company 21 element vicinity BS757437 found 105 round Artillery (Dud) and blew it in place, also found papers possible documents will bring in at end of Mission.
Charlie Company
December 18, 1968
Charlie Company at LZ Dragon and taken over the Security Mission for LZ. Charlie Company and Recon conduct Combat Assault from Dragon to BS763576, PZ 1551hrs and LZ at 1637hrs cold and completed. At 1735hrs Charlie Company at BS742554 detained 3 VCS and left area where chopper received fire. At 1735hrs Charlie Company at BS762584 engaged 1 VC evading results 1 VC WIA/CIA had documents believed to be of military significance will evac to Duc Pho tomorrow. Charlie Company at 1925hrs set up at BS763575, 93 BS763572 and 94 at BS764573. At 1940hrs Charlie Company at BS763575 received 20 rounds of small arms fire also possibly a RPG round called Artillery results unknown.
Delta Company
December 18, 1968
Delta Company is located at LZ Bronco and will continue their Stand Down.
Echo Company
December 18, 1968
Echo Company is located at LZ Liz where Battalions Headquarters Forward is located and coordinates the Battalion Echo elements and Base Defense element on LZ Liz. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Liz where they continue to provide direct fire support for the (1-20 Infantry Battalion). Recon Platoon is located at LZ Dragon where the have a Security Mission for the LZ Dragon. Charlie Company and Recon conduct Combat Assault from Dragon to BS763576, PZ 1551hrs and LZ at 1637hrs cold and completed. At 1748hrs Recon at BS763585 engaged 1 VC evading results 1 VC WIA/CIA evac to 6th Support at Duc Pho.