Headquarters and Headquarter Company
October 17, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0140hrs TMF at 0123hrs String 72B at 0123hrs sighted at BS730466 a stationary target, negative metal confirmation, negative clearance due to the proximity of friendly. At 0840hrs Brigade all weather warnings have been lifted. At 0920hrs Brigade Area of Operation extension requests for 4 ARVN Regiment for their Recon element was disapproved by CPT Parker, Area of Operation extension BS724600 to BS738500 to BS771600 to BS790550 Date/Time/Grid 180600hrs to 201800hrs At 1156hrs TMF S-61B sighted 2 packs moving west to east, with no metal confirmation and moving at 2 miles per hour. Negative clearance due to RD Zone at BS715436 and Visual Recon is requested. At 1130hrs Emergency Resupply bird on station and off station at 1205hrs. At 1230hrs Brigade a 2-day marksmanship clinic will be held on the 19 and 20 October 1970. The clinic will include M-16, M-203 and M-60 training. Unit participation will be mandatory, 1 NCO per Letter Company will attend. Selected individual must have sufficient instruction ability and retain ability. The clinic will be conducted at the Combat Center, personnel will report to the sniper school NLT 181800hrs October 1970, with M-16 and basic load, web gear, steel pot plus health and comfort items. Personnel sent Alpha Company SGT John Parsons, Bravo Company SGT Gerald Miller, Charlie Company SGT Albert Wantland, Delta Company SGT Donald Roberts, and Echo Company SGT Richard Combs. At 1520hrs Dolphin 23 is on station at 1545hrs. At 2155hrs TMF called at 2129hrs S-67C sighted stationary target with negative metal confirmation and end of mission called due to clearance problems. At 2142hrs S-61B 4 packs moving east to west at 2 miles per hour, metal was confirmation and engaged at 2151hrs with 8 VT rounds 105 Artillery. At 2300hrs TMF called at 2247hrs S-67C sighted stationary target with negative metal confirmation and engaged at 2257hrs with 8 VT rounds 105 Artillery. At 2325hrs Blue Ghost 49 on station in Box 63, checked out the area with negative findings, broke station at 0010hrs. Legend 1st Platoon 03-08, 2nd Platoon 53-58, 3rd Platoon 83-88, 4th Platoon 63-68 and CO 43.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0600hrs LZ Bronco this morning 2 personnel were policing up Bunker # 48 after pulling guard last night. 1 man was on top of the bunker placing the grenades near the edge, so when he climbed down they would be with reach. The other man was inside the bunker. 1 hand grenade placed near the edge of the bunker fell off and detonated injuring the man inside the bunker. The injured soldier received multiple frag wounds to the right thigh and back, was admitted to the (A & D 23 Medical) for further treatment. LT Harrison was assigned as Investigating Officer Alpha Company.
Alpha Company
October 17, 1970
Brigade Report all weather warning have been lifted at 1230hrs. Alpha Company 03 element has 7 detainees, 1male and 6 females negative ID will be back hauled as always, (Names are available). At 1245hrs Alpha Company at BS775545 Command Post, while moving into at daylight Patrol Base saw 1 Vietnamese male hiding under a poncho liner. Upon seeing the approaching US, The individual got up and started to evade, the Kit Carson Scout thinking he saw a weapon, fired at the evading male. The results, is one Vietnamese Male KIA, age 23, wearing black shorts and checkered shirt, negative ID and a small amount of papers. In addition he had several scars on his body that appeared to have been caused by shrapnel; documents later confirm he was a VC. At 2005hrs Alpha Company reports all elements in Location Command Post at BS776543, 53 at BS763554, 55 at BS760558, 85 at BS776547, 05 at BS762547 and 03 at BS755554. At 2230hrs Alpha Company 03 Rat Patrol closed with negative finding at Night Defense Position at BS766548.
Bravo Company
October 17, 1970
At 0815hrs Bravo Company the 54 element moving to BS750570 and the 03 element to BS752578. At 0840hrs Bravo Company at BS750570 the 54 patrol detained 1 female 26, no ID and 1 boy 9, the 54 leader thinks the boy has something to tell, the female keeps telling him to be quiet. They have separated the two and are taking them back to the Kit Carson Scout to have him interrogated by him. At 0922hrs the Bravo Company 03 element has request an Urgent Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese female 40, shot in the right side by VC, brought to Bravo Company Command Posted completed at 0930hrs. At 1230hrs Bravo Company received message by Battalion that SGT Gerald Miller is scheduled for Sniper training tomorrow at LZ Liz. At 1230hrs Bravo Company 54 element has 1 female detainee 27, no ID, at BS760572 and will be sent to Military Intelligence. At 1510hrs Bravo Company at BS739565 the 53 element Kit Carson Scout while on patrol spotted 2 enemy 1 with weapon and they continued to evade engaged 1 WIA and 1CIA, 24 and 35, no ID. The VC WIA has a wound to stomach and the enemy threw what appeared to be a weapon into the stream, search with negative results.
Charlie Company
October 17, 1970
Charlie Company will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz.
Delta Company
October 17, 1970
Delta Company conducts Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operation. At 1105hrs Delta Company the 53 element moving out to Bs725556, the 06 element at checkpoint 1 at BS731596 and Checkpoint 2 at BS731598 and both elements closed on checkpoint 1 at 1135hrs. At 1320hrs Delta Company 57 is moving out for BS729633. At 1947hrs Delta Company reports their locations 03 at BS723594, 84 BS728613, 83 BS722615 and 43-63-53 at BS728617.
Echo Company
October 17, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry.