Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 17, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. At 2000hrs there is a shortage of trip flares, claymores, limited ponchos, no poncho liners, and no air mattress. Also WP grenades and don’t use for heating rations but requested heat tablets. (Heat tablets should be in by next Christmas).


Alpha Company
December 17, 1969

At 0520hrs Alpha Company the 74 element has arrived on checkpoint 3 at BS762413. At 0550hrs Alpha 35 element and 0605hrs 75 has closed on LZ Liz. Alpha Company will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0705hrs the Alpha 15 element and at 0745hrs 24 has closed on LZ Liz. At 1835hrs Alpha Company reports 36 element is moving to BS777441, 14 snakes is at BS768439 and the 24 snake is at BS772440 and SRRP is at BS768445.


Bravo Company
December 17, 1969

At 0755hrs Bravo Company is to organize a carrying party for 8 cases of C rations, and six PRC 25 Batteries for Recon Platoon. The meeting place will be a fording site at grid BS813425. Bravo Company will secure the necessary sampans to make the crossing. The carrying party will have one radio on Recon Internal frequency. The supplies will be trucked to Bravo Company Command Post by Company E rear. At 1110hrs Recon we picked up one VC detainee, 20 years old. The detainee had a poncho and various different types of items. The detainee has sometime fuse and $45.00 in piasters. Recon has about 20 more people, old men and women plus some children. Recon will be checking out bunkers in the area. At 1430hrs Bravo Company 15 element passed on resupply to Recon Platoon. They also passed on one Vietnamese detainee, with documents and material, Bravo Company is to take detainee to Military Intelligence. Bravo Company more information he is Vo Nuong Xi, age 30, and he comes from An Tho hamlet. He joined VC in 1960 and he usually carries one AK 44 and hand grenades, his brother name is Vo Doc and is also a VC, he is with the C 219 sapper squad. At 1936hrs Bravo Company the 33 and 35 element is located in the Twin Ville at BS776446 took 4 rounds of mortar or RPG rounds from the west, grid BS768453, and we are firing counter mortar with negative results. At 2005hrs the 33 and 35 element received small arms fire from the north. Shortly afterwards they spotted a group of personnel about 500 meters north of their location. They ran off the Red Ball and into the tree line. We are firing 4.2 mortars on them. Bravo Company the 34 element at the northern Bridge and just received 3 M-79 incoming rounds with negative casualties. At 2140hrs Bravo Company we have intelligence that there will be an undetermined amount of VC going between OP and the Twin Ville. We are going to set up roadrunners in that area with the VC planning on going to be in the area at 2200hrs.


Charlie Company
December 17, 1969

Charlie Company is located at Chu Lai for their Stand Down.


Delta Company
December 17, 1969

Delta Company has Security Mission at location LZ Bronco and they get ready for Stand Down.


Echo Company
December 17, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0600hrs 4.2 Platoon reports total expended 36 HE rounds. On hand 418 HE, 207 WP, 188 Illumination, 101 CS and we request 80 Illumination. Echo Company has the responsibility for coordinating Base Defense. At 0659hrs Recon Platoon Little Al has closed on my location at BS833437. Recon Platoon has sub element is moving to BS808440. At 0855hrs Recon the salvage boat is hooked up with the M-Boat on shore, we will try and pull it out in 25 minutes. At 110hrs Recon Platoon we picked up one Vietnamese detainee, 20 years old. The detainee had a poncho and various different items. The detainee has various different types of item, some (time fuses) and $45.00 in piasters. Recon has about 20 more people, old men and women plus some children. Recon will be checking out bunkers in the area. At 1310hrs Bravo Company 15 and Recon have linked up for resupply. At 1400hrs Recon they found some bunkers at grid BS808440. We blew bunkers with claymore. We also found a 155mm Artillery round which we are blowing in place. At 1430hrs they also passed on 1 Vietnamese detainee with the documents and material. Bravo Company is to take the detainee to military Intelligence. (Check Bravo Company December 17, 1969) At 1654hrs Recon we have closed on our Day Logger at BS833437. At 1815hrs Recon Platoon Will Scarlet is in their snake location at BS830430. Little Al will be standing by as a reactionary force.

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