Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 16, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0350hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Radar at 1940hrs sighted 8 to 10 stationary personnel at BS723435, with Charlie Company being notified and at 2000hrs 6 to 8 stationary personnel were sighted at BS748452 with Recon Platoon informed. At 2220hrs 10 to 15 personnel were sighted moving east at BS730448 with Recon being notified and at 2240hrs 12 to 12 personnel were sighted moving southeast at BS737426 and engaged with 12 HE of Artillery 105. At 2325hrs 5 to 7 stationary personnel were sighted at BS738398 and Charlie Company was informed, and at 0105hrs 6 to 10 personnel were sighted moving southwest at BS807408 and engaged with 15 HE of Artillery 105. At 0705hrs Brigade Infantry red target TOT 2100hrs to 2112hrs was 100% coverage at BS821355 with 2 emissions. At 2105hrs 1-20 Infantry is to provide a reaction forces for Bald Eagle for the period Date/Time 181300 to 181400 March 1970. For the LT General, 2 aids and the Commanding General of the 24th Corps, en route from Chu Lai from 1300hrs to 1320hrs to LZ Bronco, where he will be briefed between 1320hrs and 1350hrs and after a tour he will fly to the LZ Bayonet (1350hrs and 1410hrs). 1-20 Infantry is to give the Brigade the company, frequency and call sign Standby is 30 minutes from a good PZ to be OPCON to an Area of Operation where the incident occurs, we will received OPCON of Warlords plus a Command and Control Helicopter.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
March 16, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1430hrs Alpha Company security element on the access road report incoming small arms, the CO is checking it out. At 1845hrs Alpha Company the 65 element is moving out to BS757493 with a snake at BS748446. At 1905hrs Alpha Company the 65 element is at checkpoint 1 at BS757449. At 1918hrs Alpha Company the 65 element is at BS757446. At 1925hrs Alpha Company with have the 35, 36 and 37 elements are roving on the access road.


Bravo Company
March 16, 1970

At 0745hrs Bravo Company 67 element picked up Vietnamese female detainee and sending to MACV. The 35 element at 0820hrs uncovered several documents and pictures of VC which were hidden in a thick hedgerow. We are sending in as some as possible grid BS818412. At 0900hrs Bravo Company the 67element request an Urgent Dust Off for one Vietnamese female with gunshot wound to the arm, the wound was inflicted when she tried to evade the RF/PF grid BS790449 completed at 0915hrs. Bravo Company also has 3 female detainees. At 1134hrs the 37 element reports one RF/PF KIA as a result of booby trap 8" round, it was a pressure release type with two explosions above the ground and we requests extraction of the body to MACV Duc Pho grid BS807409. At 1215hrs Bravo Company the 37 element found a booby trap 8" round buried in the ground with trip wire (blown in place) at grid BS805407.


Charlie Company
March 16, 1970

At 0725hrs Charlie Company we request extraction of one US who is suffering from an unknown illness. Primo 2 is on station and made the extraction from BS772375, Name Brown line #004. The 34, 35, 36, 16, snake have closed on the Night Defense Position at BS760390. At 1806hrs we are moving to our Night Defense Position BS759388 and all Day snakes are moving to a new location. At 1955hrs Charlie Company request an Urgent Dust Off for one man a high fever and is delirious from BS772374 from grid BS772374, completed at 2005hrs.


Delta Company
March 16, 1970

Delta Company the mine sweep is at Check Point 1 and the 64 element is at Check Point 2 at BS793458, 0735hrs the 19 element is moving to grid BS7832 and BS7932 on their search and clear mission. 0937hrs Delta Company 12 we request an urgent dust off for 2 US with frag wounds from a booby trapped Artillery round 105mm, pressure type. One became a KIA and the WHA was dusted off at 0948hrs, ETA was 15 minutes at grid BS774534. Delta Company found a tunnel with a 4 by 6 entrance with an estimated length of 50 ft. and too deep for further exploration without a dog requested 30 or 40 pound shaped charges to blow the tunnel at grid BS802354. Delta Company 12 at 0745hrs the mine dog with the 12 element found a mine approx 40-50 lbs wrapped in plastic. Found along side of road at BS774534. Delta Company blew in place a dud 81mm round at BS791343. Delta Company picked three VN children, ages 15, 13, 10 at grid BS794337 They were found near last night’s Night Defense Position, possible involved in VC activities and where extracted to Military Intelligence, Delta Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position at BS805345. CPL AVERY MERRILL NYE III KHA and SGT JOHN CHARLES FERN (DOW see March 15, 1970) are LISTED AS KHA. Delta Company reports that SP4 Stephen R. Padoris was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital with multiple frag wounds to both legs.


Echo Company
March 16, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0530hrs Recon Platoon reports the 33 element is closing at this time with one female Vietnamese detainee, approximately 30 to 35 of age with no ID and wearing black pajamas at grid BS744443. The Vietnamese people fee she is VC and was brought to LZ Liz and extracted to Military Intelligence. At 0638hrs Recon Platoon reports all elements have closed on LZ Liz. At 1915hrs Recon we are moving to our snake locations. The 34 snake at BS735448, the 19 snake at BS724436, and the 32 snake is at BS726425. At 1955hrs Recon Platoon the 19 element on their way to their snake location spotted 10-15 personnel, moving southwest at BS734436. We engaged the enemy resulting in blood trails on some straw about 150 to 250 meters away. At 2050hrs Recon at BS738447 we have 10 to 15 stationary personnel.

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