Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 16, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1030hrs CPT Beavers in a bird dog plane spotted approximately 30 reinforced, well conceal bunkers at grid BS78465098. He called in artillery and scored 2 direct hits with 5 near messes, results 2 bunkers destroyed. Numerous new wells have been constructed in the area. At 1112hrs South OP spotted 15 to 20 personnel in area of yesterday air strike. Also found was a wooden structure in a tree, a white team was requested. There is also a group of people leaving the area moving east. Putting in artillery on BS7338, Calvary 6 on team will be on station in about 30 minutes to check the area. At 1800hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC S-5 report continued their VIP and Chieu Hoi operations using leaflets and tapes. On July 4 an operation was conducted in which Vietnamese personnel who had been captured by the VC wanted to return and was willing to lead military personnel to the location of an AK47 and 7 M-26 grenades 1-20 Infantry along with the S-2 CPT Beavers found the equipment. As the procession was completed weeks later, the VIP fund in the amount of 1,000 Vietnamese dollars was to pay this individual. At 1940hrs North OP have 3 to 4 persons moving southeast at BS717441, mission given to 4.2 mortar unable to contact Recon Platoon. At 2235hrs Nighthawk request clear on box #50 for Nighthawk operation. Box 50 clear by 1-20 Infantry, friendly locations given US LZ Liz with little people 1.5 to 2 kilometers east of eastern boundary. LEGEND: 1st Platoon 14-19, 2nd Platoon 54-59, 3rd Platoon 34-39, Co- 21.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. PFC Edward McCrea and SP4 Larry Melhorn where attached to 91st Evac Hospital.


Alpha Company
July 16, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1250hrs Alpha Company moving out to BS735435 at 1335hrs Alpha Company receiving sniper fire from the Ville. Estimate 2-3 automatic weapons. The 24 element reports the Vietnamese saw 5 enemy with weapons and green uniforms evading to the northwest (515 read) the 24 and 25 elements area at vicinity BS733438. Other element closed on objectives at BS735438. They checked area found 600 pounds of rice stored in a large concrete bowl and baskets and 1 rice bin the rice was half hidden and half in the open. Apparently there was not attempt to camouflage the rice it was not polished rice. The rice was found at grid BS733438. The 24 element has 3 detainees, the 25 element had 1 female detainee 29 years old wearing black pants and white top she had a bad ID and all attempted to evade when the elements arrive. Alpha Company has a total of 4 detained 1 personnel and all were sent to Military Intelligence. At 1637hrs Alpha Company the 24 element picked up 4 female detainees interpreter said they are VC rice carriers ages 25, 30, 40, 40. They are wearing black bottoms 3 with blue tops and 1 with a white top. Detainees had rice carrying sticks and signs of polished rice in their rice baskets. Detainees had pack marks on their backs. Detainees had ID but said they were bad IDs. At 1741hrs Alpha Company has closed on the Hill, LZ Liz.


Bravo Company
July 16, 1970

Bravo Company continued their joint Operations with PF and RF units on their Hamlet Pacification and security of Highway 1. At 1015hrs Bravo Company we request one routine Dust Off at BS684609 for one civilian believed to have appendicitis. He has been in pain for two days, completed at 1032hrs. At 1245hrs Bravo Company Effective at 1500hrs PF 143 will be working with the Bravo 38 element and the RF 183 will be working with the Bravo Company 34 element. At 1645hrs bravo Company the 28 and the 27 elements have moved out at 1600hrs and now at checkpoint 1 27 at BS719617 and 28 is at BS709628. At 1712hrs Bravo Company 27 element received sniper fire from BS731613 about 350 meters away. The 28 element is going to assist the 27 element. The 20 is with element and at 1713hrs Bravo Company called for an urgent Dust Off for 1 babysan bleeding badly from the chest and legs. Have no idea how the kid was wounded the Dust Off was completed at 1718hrs. At 1805hrs Bravo Company at grid BS733653 a priority Dust Off was called for 2 Vietnamese children who stepped on a mine one has lost of some fingers, the other has wounds of the head and abdomen, completed at 1825hrs. At 1846hrs Bravo Company a priority Dust Off for 1 US shot in thigh of left leg by sniper fire (CPT Parker) a clean wound and he returned fire Dust Off completed at 1915hrs by Bird #82. CPT Arthur E. Parker was evac to 27th Surgical Hospital.


Charlie Company
July 16, 1970

Charlie Company was OPCON to the 4-3 Infantry, at continued their Search and Clear Operations in their Area of Operation around BS609555 and by 1829hrs Charlie Company reported their location at BS603544.


Delta Company
July 16, 1970

At 0530hrs Delta Company the 26 element daylight surprise patrol is moving out to BS762574. At 0600hrs the Delta 55 element, patrol is moving out to BS749556 and the 56 element to BS7565550. At 0710hrs Delta Company 37 element picked up two males detained at grid BS757570, with a group of momason carrying bamboo, they are believed to have false ID. One is wearing black pants and a purple top, the other is wearing all purple. According to their ID whey are 50 and 60 years old. Neither looks to be that old, will evac to Military Intelligence on re supply. At 1106hrs the 26 element has 25 female detainees, negative ID at grid BS726574, age range from 20 through 60, request IPW team will pick up and take out on re supply ship. The PF and Kit Carson Scout questioned these people and said they most were definite not VC/NVA at 1215hrs. At 1106hrs the 26 element cancelled their request for an IPW team, and will send in send 3-4 persons in back haul. At 1602hrs Delta Company the 26 element has closed at BS759570. The 56 patrol is moving out at BS769566, the 36 element patrol is moving out at BS765573, the 27 patrol is moving out at 1610hrs at BS755588. At 1655hrs Delta Company the 27 patrol was moving into a Ville on the way to checkpoint 1 at BS755588. They reached the other end of the Ville and was 4 VC running to the north at BS757598 some 800 meters away. They pursued for about 1,000 meters to BS755602. Helix came on station and said he saw the enemy in the BS7560 grid east on big red. At 1710hrs Delta Company at grid BS759570 request Dust Off for 1 US with fever of 103, he is dizzy and his Line # is 63 Name (Kirby). The Dust Off was completed 1720hrs. SP4 James C. Drieth was evac to 27th Surgical Hospital. At 1910hrs Delta Company the 20, 54 and 14 element are moving to their Night Defense Position at BS759565.


Echo Company
July 16, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0515hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Fire Mission 2 for a total expended of 12 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry. At 1930hrs Recon Platoon the 21 element is moving out to BS735441 and at 2011hrs reports they have closed on their position.

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