Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 16, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0200hrs LZ Debbie under attack by RPG and Sapper attack inside the perimeter. At 0245hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Bunker line taking RPG also small arms fire along with automatic weapons fire. Total results 2 US WIA (M), also 6 NVA KIA and CIA 4 AK-47 and 50 Chi Com grenades. Receive 7-10 rounds RPG also 10 hand frag grenades. At 1317hrs 1-20 Infantry request Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese girl, she had frag wound of the head and right side, some Vietnam Kids brought her to LZ Liz, Dust Off completed at 1322hrs. 1-20 Infantry request Fire Fly Mission from Bronco east to BS850390, Son Tra Cau to BS710430, north east up to 515 across Highway 1 to BS800480, south down Gaza strip and return to LZ Bronco. At 1420hrs Hooked out 43 bags of rice with unknown amount left. Will sack today and tomorrow then hook the rest of it out when finished sacking the total evac 23,000 pounds of rice.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. At 0130hrs 19 Engineers at BS840330 report bridge 398 is on fire. Source of cause of fire unknown PFC Platoon 112 is responsible for security, by to east is still operational. At 0320hrs E Troop is sending 2 tracks to Bunker 43 for fire support at LZ Bronco. Battalion Rear we swept the area around BS7743 and was told by a female Vietnam that 5 VC were killed by artillery, and that there was a VC Company in the area equipped with small arms and a couple of 60’s. At 0650hrs Bravo Company 19 Engineer found 1 B-40 rocket, 1 hand grenade and blood trails, blood trail ended 15’ from where it started with negative bodies found at grid BS878309, at 0640hrs evac 2 detainees to LZ Debbie was laying near perimeter wire, other walking near by. At 0755hrs Charlie Company 19 Engineer at LZ Charlie Brown enemy location at BS918203, found 25 pounds pressure type mine destroyed then at 0810hrs at BS917203 found 25 pounds pressure type mine destroyed also at BS918206 found 25 pound mine destroy, all mines on access road to LZ Charlie Brown. At 2125hrs LZ Bronco received 4-5 rounds 75 RR rounds from BS844378, firing artillery on grid at this time, all rounds impacted on side of hill. At 2130hrs LZ Bronco SI-5 picked up 5 persons at BS837384 fired artillery or more at BS839389.


Alpha Company
July 16, 1969

At 0610hrs Alpha Company listening post closed on Night Defense Position and we are moving out. At 1115hrs Alpha Company found a rice cache (about 5,000 pounds) under the floor of hooch and the people have said it was for the support of the NVA as our interpreter questioned them vicinity BS737458. At 1210hrs Alpha Company we have uncovered another 15,000 pounds of Rice, need more bags, 1300hrs we uncovered and another 3,000 pounds of Rice. At 1415hrs we have hauled out 43 bags of Rice so far and we have 35 more bags filled at this time. At 1729hrs Alpha Company we have one male VCS age 54, village woman told our interpreter that he sold rice to the NVA and VC and are sending him to Military Intelligence grid BS737458. Total Rice: cache for Alpha Company for 16 July 69 amount to 23,000 pounds at grid BS737458. At 1955 Alpha Company moved into Night Defense Position with 2 listen posts in position.


Bravo Company
July 16, 1969

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0345hrs the rear area is still receiving incoming mortar and AK 47 fire. Believe to have 3 VC/NVA in the wire will keep you informed have tracks working out by bunkers 46-47. At 0547hrs we have 1 VC/NVA KIA, 1 CIA and 4 AK47 and one Chi Com grenades, possible 2 more KIA, have to check out the area at first light. We have 2 US WHA with minor frag wounds. At 0638hrs Bravo Company 63 element is moving out to be a blocking force for RF Operations. At 0653hrs the rear reports total of KIA VC/NVA is 6 KIA the one CIA had died. He was questioned and said there were a total of 10 in sapper attack and there were 100 more VC/NVA dug in on the beach. At 2145hrs Bravo Company 1-20 Infantry area received 4 RPG rounds they are putting fire on it and at yellow alert.


Charlie Company
July 16, 1969

At 1130hrs Charlie Company the Command Post is at BS859371, the 13, 83, and 23 elements are blocking from BS853370 to BS762360. The 63 element and tracks are at BS865360, they will go to where the blocking forces are. At 1405hrs Charlie Company my 63 is 200 meters to our south should be closing shortly and my 83and 13 are still in their blocking position, the tracks have closed on Command Post. At 2013hrs Charlie Company Night Defense Position BS825372 and snakes closed at 2025hrs into their position the 23 snake at BS826367 and the 83 snake at BS831369.


Delta Company
July 16, 1969

At 0850hrs Delta Company has reached our Day Logger at BS804451 and at 0910hrs, we have just received a mortar or RPG. Location possible from our northeast, we need gun-ships and Dust Off (We have 4 people hit including Company Commander, 2 are serious). We are also receiving fire from east, west, and south. Dust Off completed at 0935hrs. 5 people were Dust off including personnel were: Cpt Shippy-frag in chest, Rice (RTO) frag left leg, Harris (SGT) –frag left arm and back, Davis Medic- temporarily deaf, Dramn (Arty RTO) frag. We had 1 mortar round that was a direct hit on the Command Post and we also had some small arms fire also we believe we are in contact with a squad size element. At 1120hrs S-3 with Command and Control Helicopter we are bring in man to LZ Liz that we dusted off have medic standing by Jimmie W. Batchelor of Delta Company has minor frag and burns. Helix let Delta Company knows the he spotted 10-15 individuals run out of hootch about 600-700 meters to their rear. At 1330hrs we are receiving some sniper rounds think they saw a couple dinks with blue cloths and weapons. At 1430hrs Helix 39 would like to put the Air Strike on grid BS7114462, it looks like a good target by S-3. At 1500hrs Helix 35 we dropped some Napalm on BS714422 with negative results, we dropped some, 500 pound HYDRAX bombs on BS715460 and got a secondary, I will continue to check the area. At 1805hrs received 10 or 12 AK-47 sniper fire from southwest and southeast our responds is to calling in artillery. Delta Company moves into their Night Defense Position at BS799456 and received sniper fire as snake started to move out. At 2150hrs received one frag 26 grenade, believe they are trying to determine our location.


Echo Company
July 16, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0658hrs Recon Platoon has closed on LZ Liz at this time.

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