Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 16, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0045hrs LZ Liz Radar sighted 10 to 15 personnel, moving northwest at grid BS730560 and we fired 9 HE rounds of 4.2 Mortar and at 0155hrs Radar sighted 5 to 6 stationary personnel at grid BS7402442, we expended 6 HE rounds of 4.2 mortar. At 0325hrs IOS we have 3 lights at grid BS775447, received negative clearance due to close proximity of Bravo Company and at 0448hrs IOS we spotted 3 lights at grid BS789416, negative clearance due to the proximity of Bravo Company. At 0710hrs 1-20 Infantry we will have Artillery registration from now until 1200hrs in grid BS8049. At 0855hrs 1-20 Infantry LT Benton, Division Tracker Dog OIC, visited us. He informed us that we have tracker dogs now at LZ Bronco. We should keep that if sappers evade, their track should not be broken when possible, and request of a tracker dog can be made anytime day or night, so that they can be at your location at first light. He also requested that he be allowed to brief the Commander at the next or subsequent Commander’s Conferences. Arrangements can be made through the Brigade S-3 (3 to 7 days advance notice, if possible). At 0900hrs 1-20 Infantry Battalion Commander left LZ Liz for Bravo, Charlie and Recon location and returned at 1030hrs. At 1040hrs 1-20 Infantry by 1300hrs each day you are to have specific plans for that night and the following day’s operations submitted to this location, include the elements call sign, routes, Day Loggers and Night Defense Position for all element as applicable. A Reminder in the past plans, have been late, incomplete and not specific. At 1235hrs 1-20 Infantry we requested of Brigade that LT Benton give his class at this location at 1500hrs on 18 January 1970. At 1225hrs 1-20 Infantry beginning tomorrow re supply utility will be scheduled form 1500hrs to 1700hours daily effective date is 17 January 1970. At 1253hrs 1-20 Infantry we request an Area of Operation extension for the following grids BS730400, BS730370 and BS740370, Delta Company has tracks leading to what may be a base camp effective from now to DATE/TIME 171200 January 1970 and was approved by Brigade. At 1426hrs 1-20 Infantry request Urgent Dust Off request 2 Vietnamese children 1 with frag wounds of right thigh. They were hit when tending the cows by the North OP and Dust Off completed at 1436hrs. The children who were with the 2 who were injured will be back at 1300hrs and we will try to get more information. At 1643hrs IOS we spotted 2 people digging in the ground, we are calling in Artillery. At 2025hrs IOS sighted 1 light, stationary, at grid BS707446 and we engaged with 10 HE 105 artillery. At 2045hrs Radar sighted 5 to 6 stationary personnel at grid BS794400, we engaged with 105 artillery and at 2150hrs Radar sighted 4 to 5 personnel moving west at grid BS754448, negative clearance was given due to the close proximity of Bravo Company. At 2320hrs Radar sighted 8 to 10 person at gird BS737457, we engaged with 155 and 105 artillery.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 1340hrs 1-20 Infantry Bad Lot of ammo, Lot # M1125 of M67 grenades has a defective delay fuse. Check your grenades and report your findings to this location.


Alpha Company
January 16, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0652hrs Alpha Company the 27 element is at checkpoint 3 at BS765415. At 0847hrs Alpha Company reports all snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 1232hrs CPT Thomas inspected bunk line all bunkers are in good condition and all have plumb bobs. At 1950hrs Alpha Company reports the 46 snake is at BS770439, the 06 snake is at BS772443, the 26 snake is at BS764435 and the 07 snake is at BS745418.


Bravo Company
January 16, 1970

Bravo Company continued to work out of their semi permanent position with Recon in Force patrols, saturation patrolling and (Day and Night) ambush and sweeps in their Area of Operation. At 0650hrs Bravo Company the 24 element is moving to BS771441 and the 07 and 08 elements have closed. At 0707hrs Bravo 09 is moving to BS760440 and at 0722hrs Bravo Company the 25 element is blocking at BS778419. At 0809hrs Bravo Company the 66 element is moving to BS776431. At 0846hrs Bravo Company the 09 element is at grid BS765443. At 0859hrs Charlie Company the 24 element has moved to sweep through their Objective (Charlie 04 element block). At 2020hrs Bravo Company 06 element was called to confirm their location before Artillery could fire.


Charlie Company
January 16, 1970

At 0656hrs Charlie Company the 06 and 07 snakes have closed on BS778402. At 0845hrs Charlie Company 04 element is moving to their blocking position from BS761440 to BS765390. At 0859hrs the 24 element has moved to sweep thought their objective with 04 in blocking position. At 0952hrs Bravo Company the 05 element checked out the area at BS765455 where they spotted 5 to 6 VC, last night with negative finding has closed. At 1040hrs Charlie Company has 2 tunnels we were checking out at grid BS778402 resulted in one only a few feet long and the other one we are still following so far 125 meters long. At 1110hrs Charlie Company 24 closed on BS783433 and the 25 element has closed on 787424. At 1230hrs Charlie we found a 200 meters long tunnel with many rooms, 2 exits (one used recently). We need 20 crating charges and 1,000 feet of detonate cord at grid BS778402. At 1255hrs Charlie Company 44 Request Urgent Dust Off, for 1 VC set off a booby tap and has multiple frag wounds of the body, complete at 1301hrs. At 1445hrs Charlie Company the 04 element is returning to the Day Logger at BS778402 and the 24 element is returning to the 25 location at BS775402. At 1450hrs Charlie Company the 24 element is moving to BS765390 and will block here before moving to 769373. The 04 element is moving from the Night Defense Position at BS767388 to BS773375 on a Recon in Force. At 1733hrs the Charlie Company 25 element closed on BS778402 we have completely destroyed the tunnel. At 1950hrs Charlie Company the Command Post is at BS778404, the 27 snake is at BS772443, the 26 is at BS764435 and the 07 snake at BS745418.


Delta Company
January 16, 1970

At 0655hrs Delta Company the 45 and 05 elements have closed on BS747404. At 0840hrs Delta Company the 64, 24 and 21 elements are moving out. At 1000hrs Delta Company our present location and Day Logger is at BS742392. At 1006 Delta Company we request a set of tracker dogs to follow a set of footprints. At 1230hrs Delta Company the Tracker Team went too far to the southeast to BS743375. We request an Area of Operation extension into this area we feel we are on the edge of a base camp we found several trails. At 1308hrs Delta Company re supply for the 44 element will be at their present location at BS725411. At 1345hrs Delta Company our present location is at BS737416. At 1727hrs Delta Company the 64 element is moving to BS750386, the 21 element is moving to BS750386 and the 24 element is moving to BS7503386. At 1731hrs Delta Company 25 element has closed on BS742392. At 1850hrs Delta Company our 21, 64, and 24 elements are in their Night Defense Position at BS750386. At 1910hrs Delta Company reports the 05 snake is at BS749412, the 45 snake is at BS749412, the 25 snake is at BS742392, the 04 snake is at BS744401, and the 44 element is at BS737408. At 1915hrs Delta Company the 25 element fired at one VC at BS742392, we believed we killed him and we will confirm the kill in the morning. Delta Company we were going into our Night Defense Position at the time. At 2125hrs Delta Company from 1-20 Infantry Information: Charlie 4-3 Infantry Night Defense Position for tonight will be at BS708365 and the Night Defense Position for tomorrow will be at BS733377. Charlie 4-3 Infantry will have a clearing patrol moving to the east and will not go any farther than the 74 grid, line.


Echo Company
January 16, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 1020hrs Recon Platoon we received a few rounds of sniper rounds from grid BS792502, negative casualties and we are checking out the area. At 1045hrs Recon our present location is at BS772517. At 1102hrs 1-20 Infantry the Brigade Commander arrived at LZ Liz was brief by the Battalion Commander and S-3 and left at 1145hrs. At 1115hrs Warlord we will be working with Recon Platoon and we departed at 1130hrs. At 1210hrs Recon Platoon we will move from BS772517 to BS782508 to BS783402 destroying bunkers, gardens and hootches. Recon reports their Night Defense Position at BS785500. At 1355hrs Recon our present location is at BS782508. At 1430hrs Recon tomorrow we will work between BS783504 and BS787798. At 1630hrs Recon our Night Defense Position will be at BS782506. At 1800hrs Recon Platoon we spotted 1 VC/NVA in a black uniform head toward them with a weapon. We fired on him and wounded him. He dropped a sandbag while evading and it had blood all over it. He ran to the north-northwest. We also spotted 3 VC/NVA, they were fired on, and they evaded to the north-northwest toward LZ Dragon. We are going to sweep the area and check it out at grid BS782508. At 1920hrs Recon Platoon reports we are in our Night

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