Headquarters and Headquarter Company
November 15, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0145hrs 1-20 Infantry informed the due to the extraction of Special Forces element, that their AM and Command and Control Helicopter will be delayed. At 0820hrs MACV Duc Pho at BS755370 some Vietnamese Nationals will be at the above grid to salvage remains of the water buffalo that was killed two days ago. At 1750hrs vicinity BS852374, UHIH in free fire zone took automatic fire Air craft took one hit the Helicopter returning to LZ Bronco. At 2010hrs MACV SGT Holiday, ARVIN KIA 3 VC at BS798399 and VC are moving to BS783392 near Railroad tracks.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. At 0915hrs Alpha Troop 1 of 1 Cav at BS918241 one track hit a pressure detonated mine, 3-4 sticks of C-4 in a Ammo Can with results 5 US WIA (E) one APC damage but can be repaired.


Alpha Company
November 15, 1969

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for Land Clearing Operation. Alpha Company at BS813482 is working with joint operations with the ARVN and continued to use multiple patrolling and Day and Night ambushes in their Area of Operation. At 0926hrs Delta Company at BS826417, Request Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese female, she had a miscarriage and has lost a lot of blood, Dust Off completed by Command and Control Helicopter at 0930hrs. At 1300hrs Alpha Company at BS815472 found 2 VCS hiding in a Bunker, no ID and no weapons will evac to Bronco. At 1515hrs Alpha Company reports 150 acres of land today, cleared BS831418, BS838421, BS833414 and BS834417, total clear to date total 4,462 Acres.


Bravo Company
November 15, 1969

At 0758hrs at BS781468 Bravo Company detained 3 male VCS, 30 to 35, no ID will evac to Bronco. At 0950hrs Bravo Company at BS785464 detained 2 VCS man also one Vietnamese baby and on Vietnamese female wounded M-79 rounds. Command and Control Helicopter completed at 0950hrs. At 2005hrs at BS792436 Ranger team while moving to Checkpoint #2, walked upon a campfire, there were 4 to five personnel there, engaged with small arms fire with negative results.


Charlie Company
November 15, 1969

Charlie Company will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz and the 1-20 Infantry.


Delta Company
November 15, 1969

At 1000hrs Delta Company is located at BS802418. At 0925hrs at BS793460 detained 1 VCS he was detained when he got off his Sampan. The individual was called over and had a wound in his left leg. He was dressed in Maroon and had a turban on his head. The interpreter had question him and said he should be sent in for questioning. At 1030hrs Delta Company at BS808436 received small arms fire from BS813441 will engaged with artillery negative casualties. At 1833hrs Delta Company at BS814406 in their Night Defense Position. At 1840hrs Delta Company at BS793460, the 66 element received 82mm mortar round negative casualties engaging at BS799463 with 81mm rounds. At 1948hrs at BS804410 was moving into their ambush positions along the Song Tra Cau river just north just north of LZ Bronco and the squad was ambushed probably some NVA with hand grenades. Results being 2 US WHA (E) with frag wounds 82 aided by 94 and received hand grenades with negative Casualties or damage, negative engagement Dust Off was completed at 2002hrs. The Night Defense Position that evening there was contact with a NVA/VC. Their location was near An Trung village along the Son Tra Cau River when the ambush occurred. Delta Company reports that PFC RONALD WAYNE IRELAND (see November 16, 1969) was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital.

Echo Company
November 15, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 1000hrs Recon Platoon Security Mission at LZ Liz and the 1-20 Infantry.

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