Headquarters and Headquarter Company
May 15, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0500hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC Radar Targets At 2300hrs sighted 10 to 15 stationary personnel at BS781412 and engaged with 16 HE of 4.2 artillery and at 0145hrs 8 to 10 stationary personnel were sighted at BS733467 and engaged with 12 HE of 4.2 Mortar. At 0425hrs 4 to 5 stationary personnel were sighted at BS820431 and engaged with 18 HE of Artillery 105mm. At 1350hrs the tracks found 5 to 6 well constructed bunkers 4 to 5’ in diameter at BS810433 and they had wood bracing. At 1600hrs Charlie Company 26 Engineer at BS758538 the EOD team blew a booby trap 155 round with a push and pull device and hidden in a bush. At BS575432 a child showed the Engineer a 155 booby trap with a push and pull device in the brush. It was also blown by the EOC Team. At 1855hrs Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry at grid BS772533 we had incoming mortar fire from a suspected 60mm mortar. 4 rounds with 1 dud, three of which hit inside the perimeter, a 1’ by 2’ crater was left by the dud. We will check out the area in the morning. We request urgent Dust Off for 9 US and 3 ARVN. 7 US were from Charlie Company 26 Engineer, 1 from Charlie Company 4-3 Infantry and 1 from US Psyops, 1 ARVN Psyops, 1 Kit Carson South and 1 PF from Mo Duc. The fist was completed at 1915hrs and the 2nd Dust Off completed at 1921hrs. The names and units 4-3 Infantry Steffen, 26 Engineer Cook, Coalonde, Cowart, Site, Sullivan, Schenker and Pennybaker, Psyops ARVN bock and the US McCollough and the Kit Carson Scout was Vietnamese and there was no damage was received to the equipment. Suspected enemy location is BS767450 (engaged with 24 HE of Artillery 105mm) and BS756548 (engaged with 2 HE of Artillery 105mm).

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
May 15, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0740hrs Alpha Company 56 element has closed on LZ Liz and the 76 element is providing day security and is moving out to the Access road. At 2000hrs Alpha Company 36 is located at BS758414.


Bravo Company
May 15, 1970

Bravo Company continues their use of multiple patrolling and multiple sweeps in the Area of Operation. At 0905hrs Bravo Company the 38 element is at BS786405, the 37element has closed and the 77 element is moving to BS791429. At 1055hrs Bravo Company the 69 element found a grid BS793449 a hole with NVA helmet, one US canteen cup, one NVA shovel, documents and assorted parachutes (ILL0 and a hammock. The element found a tunnel in the same area and a civilian is going to check it out and it contained a GI entrenching tool. A family bunker and empty tunnel was also found (3X 7) and it was destroyed at grid BS793449. At 1300hrs Bravo Company 39 found one GI pistol belt and one VC pistol belt at BS798442 in a hedgerow. At 1750hrs Bravo Company 59 element has closed and the 57 element is at checkpoint 3 at BS792449. At 1955hrs Bravo Company the 79 element is moving to BS780434 and the 78 element is moving to secure a movie at BS787424.


Charlie Company
May 15, 1970

At 0635hrs Charlie Company all the Charlie 74 snakes have closed on the Flame tracks with negative findings. At 0800hrs we are in our Day Logger at BS776387. At 1900hrs Charlie Company all elements are moving to their locations with the Command Post Night Defense Position at BS767387. Charlie Company at BS776387 we found and blew 1 155 round dud at BS776387. By 2215hrs Charlie Company reports all their multiply ambushes are in their locations.


Delta Company
May 15, 1970

At 0635hrs Delta Company report all elements are moving to their Day Logger positions. At 0721hrs Delta Company 84 in their Day logger at BS736456 and 36 is securing the 34 element Day Logger at BS739449. Delta Company 35 element with 2 Chieu Hoi found approximately 500 pounds of unpolished rice buried about a foot underground in plastic, which was about 50 meters from a hootch in the center of a small field and will be evacuated to Mo Duc vicinity of BS737436. At 0837hrs Delta Company 54 element closed on their Day Logger at BS749455 and continued to work with saturation patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 1945hrs Delta Company Command Post is at their Night Defense Position at BS745455, the 34 is at BS735445 and 35 is at BS727447 and 36 at BS738448 and at 1950hrs reports all snakes are in their position. SP4 Larry W. Young and PFC Granville Harewood where attached to 91st Evac Hospital.


Echo Company
May 15, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. . At 0835hrs 4.2 Platoon Fire Mission 8 for a total expended of 22 HE and 2 C/S rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0630hrs Recon Platoon we are moving to our Day Logger position. At 0705hrs Recon Platoon we spotted 1 VC evading to the west through a hedgerow at BS784473, he was wearing khaki shorts and a bush hot. We engaged with small arms fire resulting in 1 VC KIA, 2 hand frag grenades CIA and 1 trip flare CIA. He had no ID and was approximately 25 years old. At 0725hrs Recon Platoon approximately 100 meters north of the 1st KIA we spotted another VC hiding in a hedgerow about 25 meters away. We engaged resulting in 1 VC KIA with no ID about 20 years old. He was wearing a green shirt and black pants and we are now hunting for his equipment at BS780447. At 0801hrs Recon Platoon reports we are in our pre planned Day Logger at BS780479. At 0855hrs Recon the 53 snake is at BS774503 and the 54 snake is at BS767400. At 1950hrs Recon Platoon reports their night positions snakes location will be the same.

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