Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 15, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0430hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC Radar Targets sighted at 2130hrs 6 to 10 stationary personnel at BS785491 and engaged with 2 HE of Artillery 105mm and at 2230hrs the TMF sighted 3 to 4 stationary personnel at BS729467 and engaged with 5 HE rounds of 4.2 Mortar. At 2330hrs 4 stationary personnel were sighted at BS827413 and engaged with 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm and at 2345hrs 3 stationary personnel were sighted at BS760523 and engaged with 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 0030hrs 6 to 8 stationary personnel were sighted at BS851402 and engaged with 14 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 0030hrs 6 to 8 stationary personnel were sighted at BS851402 and engaged with 14 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 0802hrs Delta Company 93 and Charlie Company 26 Engineer reports we are moving to BS753590. At 0915hrs Warlord conducts sniffer mission box 120 vicinity BS7844. At 0948hrs the TMF at 0945hrs Sting 66 sighted 4 personnel moving from north to south at 3 miles per hour with metal detected and fired at 0951hrs with 12 rounds of VT Artillery 105mm, Helix checked the area with negative sighting. At 1120hrs M26 we are moving out to checkpoint 1 at BS752550. At 1200hrs at BS780550 M26 made contact with a squad size element, receiving small arms fire and M-79 fire. They reported movement of a larger size enemy force at BS763554. The M26 element is maneuvering against the squad size element. At BS765553 1 M-26 hand frag grenade was found inside a recently used bunker. At 1215hrs the M26 element is still receiving M-79 fire and the enemy is maneuvering to the east at BS763553. M26 at 1235hrs reported breaking contact with the VC and they are now evading to the north and northeast direction. At 1340hrs M26 we found a rice cache of unknown size at BS700545 with the first squad securing it and will check it out tomorrow. At 1400hrs the TMF String 72 was activated by 4 personnel moving east to west and they where engaged with 16 VT HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. A Visual Recon Team was not available. At 1725hrs Charlie Company 26 Engineer a total of 32 hours were worked clearing 29 acres at BS744606, BS740605, BS744609 and BS740610, we destroyed 1 105 round, 1 175 round and have 4 D7 operational with 1 deadline and both CEV operational. At 2142hrs the TMF String 71c was activated by 4 personnel that where moving north to south with no metal detected. The target was engaged with 12 HE of Artillery 105mm at grid BS726489. At 2126hrs the TMF String 2a was activated by 4 personnel that where moving north to south with no metal detected. The target was engaged with 12 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm at grid BS729467.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
June 15, 1970

At 0650hrs Alpha Company reports we have received 2 incoming (hand frag) grenades on the north side of their perimeter at BS781385. The hit about 10 to 15 meters outside the perimeter, negative casualties and didn’t observe any personnel. The area was engaged and will check in morning. At 0700hrs Alpha Company we checked the area to the north where the hand frag came from last night and found 1 M-26, 2 Chi Com grenades not exploded, one spoon from the M-26 15 meters on the north side of perimeter. Also one hole 1 foot deep and 2 foot wide was found, Kit Carson Scout found tracks to the northwest where they evaded at grid BS781385. At 1445hrs Alpha Company the 93 element is moving to Red Ball, at 1540hrs we have closed on LZ Liz. At 1953hr Alpha Company reports Access road security is in location and Alpha Company has taken over the Security Mission for LZ Liz.


Bravo Company
June 15, 1970

At 1545hrs Bravo Company in a Combat Assault, the 93 element PZ was from BS778445 at 1550hrs and LZ to BS77498 and BS775505 at 1558hrs and the 13 element at 1603hrs. At 1605hrs we request an Urgent Dust Off for one Vietnamese male, possibly a VC with gunshot wound to chest shot by 184 PF at BS773503 completed at 1617hrs. At 1630hrs request a Dust Off of one Vietnamese woman age 25, with gunshot wound to buttocks shot by 184 PF while evading at BS773505 completed at 1650hrs. Also 12 detainees pick up and set to MACV and one VC CIA all by 1700hrs. At 1840hrs the 93 element captured 1 VC male from 33 to 48 and 5 VCS males at BS788484 and sent to MACV. At 1900hrs Bravo Company 54 element has closed on BS772419 and found 1 US pistol and 50 pounds of rice destroyed.


Charlie Company
June 15, 1970

At 0918hrs Charlie Company 13 element found some clothes and soap water by a stream, we also found some documents and several rounds of M-15 ammo and small quantity of Rice vicinity BS704493. The (War Lords) worked over the area and Helix checked out the area. The documents will be extracted to LZ Liz. Later a semiautomatic rifle was found with 7 rounds of ammo. At 1005hrs Charlie Company the 97 element is at BS697480, the 13 element is at BS704473, the Day Logger is at BS702487 and the 14 element is at BS707493. At 2345hrs Charlie Company observed 8 VC/NVA to their east approximately grid BS710488, were not able to see if they had packs or weapons, we engaged with Artillery with unknown Results.


Delta Company
June 15, 1970

At 1225hrs Delta Company (-) is moving by vehicle. At 1330hrs Delta Company conducted Combat Assault from LZ Liz to BS744567 and BS745560. At 1430hrs the 33 element engaged at 5 meters one VC submerged under the water in a canal and using a straw for breathing. The results one VC, KIA, wearing black, one pistol belt, first aid pouch. Also found a small amount of rice, documents, diary, transistor radio, and US poncho made into a rain jacket, one US M-26 grenade. The documents, diary and radio evacuated to Liz. At 1445hrs Delta Company the 53 element with Chieu Hoi found a rice cache of approximately 400 pounds, evac to Bronco unpolished, locally grown, and buried at grid BS751565. At 1900hrs Delta Company the 93 element I in their Night Defense Position at BS769600. At 2010hrs Delta Company the Command Post is at BS739579, the 53 element is at BS746580, the 54 element is at BS737576, the 13 element is at BS734582 and the 14 element is at BS731579.


Echo Company
June 15, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 4.2 Platoon reports Fires Mission 2 for a total expended of 20 HE rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon will continue their Security Mission for the Battalion on LZ Liz.

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