Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 15, 1969
Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is location at Liz and continued their Mission of working with the ARVN units in their Duc Pho Area of Operations. At 0020hrs Alpha Company 19 Engineer at BS932222reports NSAD at LZ Charlie Brown received 8 heavy charges believed to be satchel charges and sniper fire, with results 1 NSAD WIA (M), 1 E Troop WIA (M) returned fire with organic weapons. At 0130hrs received 2 more satchel charges from BS926225 School House closed to RD Compound and checked with (MACV) request permission to fire and at 0222hrs unit received from School House to engage with M-79 rounds with unknown results.
Battalion Rear: Battalion continued their Mission of general support for the Battalion and will continue to provide defense position for LZ Bronco. At 0835hrs Alpha Company 39 Engineer received 40-50 rounds sniper fire east of highway 1 while on mine sweep and returned fire estimate 1 Platoon of VC with negative casualties or damage.
Alpha Company
June 15, 1969
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0830hrs Alpha Company moved out in Recon in Force to BS779457 and at 1005hrs are at BS779459. At 1155hrs Alpha Company is at BS765454 and at 1600hrs closed back on LZ Liz.
Bravo Company
June 15, 1969
Bravo Company at BS738438 in Day Logger and At 1250hrs Bravo Company at BS731438 has engaged one VCS evading and KIA negative weapons or ID. At 2025hrs Bravo Company is at BS725449 had 3 VCS walk into perimeter from west engaged with M-79, claymore, hand grenades and will check in morning. Sweep the area of contact in morning found 2 NVA KIA and 2 AK 47 and documents and continued to Sweep and clear their Area of Operation.
Charlie Company
June 15, 1969
Charlie Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 2105hrs Charlie Company requests Urgent Dust Off for possible malaria temp 104.8 completed at 2120hrs.
Delta Company
June 15, 1969
At 0830hrs Delta Company at BS902426 and at 1155hrs Delta Company has moved to BS790426 and continued to move in a Recon in Force operation to the grid BS790426. Delta Company moved into their Night Defense Position at BS789433 with 34 at BS790435, 74 at BS785438.
Echo Company
June 15, 1969
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0830hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS774429 and at 1025hrs report to be at BS776426 and by 1100hrs back on LZ Liz with the 92 element at BS745431. CPL CARLOS M. GONZALES IS LISTED KIA (see June 12, 1969.)