Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 15, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continue their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0725hrs 1-20 Infantry to Recon from your present position at BS833437, Recon Platoon will not move more then or less the 1 squad and Recon to the west and north. 11th Brigade to 1-20 Infantry was informed that the 105 Artillery will be moved off LZ Max (Charlie Battery 6-11 Artillery). Tomorrow the will be escort by tracks as soon as the road opens. At 1630hrs 1-20 Infantry from 0800hrs to 1700hrs from 16 to 21 December 1969 there will be 400 Republic of Vietnam civilians working vicinity BS802346 and these locations will be marked with RVN flags.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion.


Alpha Company
December 15, 1969

Alpha Company will continue their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0943hrs Alpha Company 15, 24, 32 and 35 snakes have closed on LZ Liz. The 75 element is moving to BS746443 and at 1705hrs the 72 element has closed back on LZ Liz. At 1910hrs the 73, 14, 36 and 24 elements are moving out to their snake locations 76 at BS777441, 36 at BS768439, 14 at BS765426 and 24 at BS772440. Alpha 14 moves instead to BS762413 and all other are in position. At 0943hrs Alpha Company 15, 24 and 35 snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 2020hrs Alpha Company reports the 14 SRRP is at checkpoint 2 at BS765415 and moving to their snake site at BS762413. The snake listed is # 65 is in location.


Bravo Company
December 15, 1969

Bravo Company is using Multiple Patrolling and Sweep and Clear Operations in their Area of Operation today. At 0411hrs Bravo Company is moving to their blocking position at BS759448. At 0612hrs Bravo Company the 76 element has closed on BS789417 and the 75 has closed on BS787424. At 0645hrs Bravo Company the 15 element is moving out to BS815404. At 0700hrs Bravo Company the 32 and 34 elements have begun their sweep and the Gorilla element has closed. At 1700hrs Bravo Company the 33 element will snake at grid BS778447. At 1816hrs Bravo Company the 33 element is moving out to BS778447.At 1904hrs Bravo Company 16 snake is at BS784427, the 75 element is moving to BS788421 and the 76 element is moving. At 2004hrs Bravo Company at grid BS783433 we took 5 to 6 sniper rounds along with some M-79 rounds. The rounds came from the vicinity of the Ville at BS788440. We are firing Artillery on the enemy escape routes. At 2036hrs Bravo Company Urgent Dust Off request: one Vietnamese child with frag in the back of the head and one Vietnamese female with multiple frag wounds, they received these wounds from incoming M-79 rounds, we will need blood, completed at 2055hrs (grid BS783433). At 2330hrs 1-20 Infantry to Bravo Company was informed of the movement of Bravo Company 4-21 Infantry.


Charlie Company
December 15, 1969

Charlie Company is located at Chu Lai for their Stand Down.


Delta Company
December 15, 1969

At 0730hrs all elements have closed and Delta Company is moving out with the 12 element behind approximately 1000 metes as a trail element. Delta Company report that they are crossing the river at 0847hrs at BS733425 and at 0930hrs location is BS733423. At 1116hrs Delta Company is moving to the southeast signs of recent activity in the area. In the general area of BS737407 we found one box of assorted ammo, fresh food polished rice and canned food. We are checking area, a combined sweep by all elements found training booklet with the names of the squad leaders. Among the finding were operation orders regarding armed hamlet, which was dated July 1969. Also found one M-16 and 2 pairs of NVA pants the serial # 916453 and still checking area. At 2010hrs Delta Company Night Defense Position is located at BS734405 and the 74 snake is located at BS735410, the 34 element at BS737409 and the 14 element is in position late due to the problems at first. At 2016hrs Delta 14 reports is in location at BS738405.


Echo Company
December 15, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon is providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0620hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Missions 15, Observed Missions 2 with total expend 39 HE and 17 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0725hrs 1-20 Infantry to Recon from your present position at BS833437, Recon Platoon will not move more then or less the 1 squad and Recon to the west and north. At 0918hrs The "Little John" element will be on their Day patrol to BS825437 and then to BS824443. At 1025hrs the Little John element is moving to BS825437. At 1223hrs Recon Platoon Little John has closed on the North Bridge at BS771461. At 1637hrs Recon Platoon we will have no snakes tonight Willie Scarlet will Recon in Force from out present location of BS833437 to BS824445. Little Al will be the reactionary force. At 1740hrs Recon Platoon reports cable broke on one M Boat. 1 M Boat had drifted away but is now secure. One of the M Boats is still stuck. The waves are too big now but they believe they will be able to get them out in the morning. At 1817hrs Recon Little John is moving to BS825440 and at 1835hrs the 33 snake is located at BS778447. At 1850hrs Little John is in location at grid BS825440. At 1957hrs Recon was notified to clear out the bunker and blow it at grid BS811444.

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