Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 14, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0555hrs 1-20 Infantry Command Message (Work Together as a Team) was given to Companies and Rear Area. At 1405hrs Helix 33 Bomb Damage Assessment at grid BS822403 report bunkers destroyed, 3 fox holes destroyed, 1 sustained fired and 1 dud 1000pound bomb. At 1835hrs Warlord Lead, we have one military age male snatch at grid BS746438 will be taking him back to LZ Bronco. At 2016hrs MACV Duc Pho reports to us that the air strike put into grid at BS822403, resulted in 1 VC KIA Village Committee Member Name (NGMYEN MAN) he was confirmed VC by the little people.

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion.


Alpha Company
September 14, 1969

Alpha Company conducts a Combat Assault PZ at 0620hrs and LZ at 0645hrs completed and cold. At 0649hrs we are now beginning our sweep through the wood line. At 0740hrs Alpha Company at BS820457 found 5 US type rocket model and received sniper fire from the wood line, working now with the Warlords. At 0830hrs Alpha Company reports have found 4 more warheads, same type as before. At 0845hrs Alpha Company have 1 rocket body with some parts missing from the fins. The Total so far 2 rocket bodies intact, 3 rocket bodies’ broken and 6 warheads. At 0835hrs Alpha Company everyone has closed on the location and we are now breaking for chow. We have destroyed the rocket bodies and warheads after chow we will sweep back through the Ville. At 0940hrs Warlord Lead is on station at this time. At 1015hrs Alpha Company we are now starting our sweep to the Ville. At 1140hrs Alpha Company we swept west of BS817455 about 200 meters and destroyed 2 family bunkers and the carriers’ that was used for the rockets, the sweep is still in progress. At 1345hrs Alpha Company at BS817455, destroyed 15 huts, 3 tunnels numerous spiders’ holes, 1 concrete structure and burned 300 pounds of rice. At 1430hrs Alpha Company reports 2 fuses for rockets were found along trail. It looks as if someone had been in a hurry and had just dropped them in place, Nomenclature: Fuse, proximity, rocket, M414A1, Lot number Ren 9-10-C-63. The fuses are in good shape and we would like to have them back hauled. At 1440hrs Alpha Company reports their Day Logger at BS843453. At 1900hrs Alpha Company reports they are now in their Night Defense Position at BS825453. At 2000hrs Alpha Company has move into their Night Defense Position at BS825453 with 25 at BS820450.


Bravo Company
September 14, 1969

At 0655hrs Bravo Company 44 element snake closed on LZ Liz. Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1000hrs Bravo Company the command group is now moving out to co-ordinate with the element on today’s operation #1. At 1040hrs Bravo Company the 43 element is at BS719427 has completed practice drills and is now inside the wire. At 1555hrs the 73 element has return to LZ Liz. Bravo Company at 2000hrs has 71 in location at BS762437.


Charlie Company
September 14, 1969

At 0615hrs Charlie Company reports both the snakes has closed on our location and at 0720hrs Charlie Company reports that they are in their Day Logger at BS711431. At 0935hrs Charlie Company 43 is located at BS714428 and 73 at BS7140438. At 1120hrs the 43 element has closed on Day Logger and at 1145hrs 73 is closing on the Day Logger. At 1240hrs Charlie Company plans for Charlie: Night Defense Position BS712436 with snake location for 45 at BS708429 and 48 at BS714428 and Point of entry for tomorrow BS704441. At 2000hrs Charlie Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS712436 with 45.


Delta Company
September 14, 1969

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Snoopy. At 0715hrs Southern bridge Delta 24 working with elections and northern bridge Delta Company 43 elements 43 and 24 Operations See Echo Company September 14, 1969.


Echo Company
September 14, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0556hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Observed Mission 4 and Defense Target 4 for total expended 36 HE and 3 WP rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0715hrs Recon Reports Recon and the 24 element at BS783425, rest of Recon element at BS786433. At 0810hrs Recon Platoon has moved to BS783435 their Day Logger. At 1245hrs Recon Plans snake locations for tonight BS791421, Day Logger BS789427, the snake location for Delta 43 element is BS766454. At 1350hrs S-3 Reports Elections have finished and advise Bravo Company to release Recon from OPCON and have Recon element return to their primary mission. At 1453hrs Recon 47 OP is back in position. At 1615hrs Recon 24 snake grid BS793406 will have 4 little people on the snake. At 2000hrs Recon reports their Night positions Recon BS797421, 24 at BS798402, 44 at BS766454, and 47 at Bridge 402U.

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