Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 14, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0405hrs 1-20 Infantry reports Radar sighted 4 to 6 stationary personnel at 736398 and at 2010hrs engaged with 10 HE of Artillery 105 and then at 2120hrs 2 to 4 stationary personnel were sighted at BS709419 and engaged with 18 HE of Artillery 155. At 0800hrs Helix 35 is putting in an Air Strike at BS762352. At 1356hrs Helix 38 is putting in an Air Strike into BS780351. The Helix 38 Bomb Damage Assessment at BS780351 in 4 fighting positions destroyed and one trail cut. At 0725hrs Brigade LRRP Team 34 Nevada call sign has changed from King Edward to Same Tires.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
March 14, 1970
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 2010hrs Alpha Company the 14 element is roving from BS738434 to BS764437, and the 15 element is roving from BS764437 to BS770440 and the 16 element is roving from BS770440 to BS775444. At 2350hrs Alpha Company 26 element at BS748442 spotted 5 to 6 personnel north of their location (100 meters) and engaged with small arms. We called in Illumination to check out the area and small found one small hammock and 2 pairs of sandals, at grid BS748442.
Bravo Company
March 14, 1970
At 0755hrs Bravo Company 62 element RF/PF at about 1700-1900hrs pick up 4 Vietnamese males 18 to 20 with no ID. They will be sent in through the RF/PF channels at grid BS782434. The 8Bravo Company continued the joint operation and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation.
Charlie Company
March 14, 1970
At 0914hrs Charlie Company 34 element found one dud 4.2 HE round at BS750365 which was destroyed in place. At 1133hrs Charlie Company 12 element request an Urgent Dust Off for 1 US line #93 with multiple frag wounds to the back, left arm and back of head wounds from booby trap at BS780380. He was checking out Day Logger when it was tripped, another US had slight frag wounds and was later Dust Off by Primo 3. The 14 element is in their sniper position at BS776381 and will remain here until tomorrow. Charlie Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position at BS755390. At 2000hrs the 14 element will stay behind in their sniper location at BS776381. Charlie Company reports 2LT Delmar E. Shepard (MFW to neck, head and left arm) and PFC George A. Deboer to B 23 Medical.
Delta Company
March 14, 1970
At 0654hrs Delta Company the 63, 64, 33, 34, and 35 patrols are moving out 0805hrs. Delta Company 33 element request an urgent Dust Off for 2 US and 1 Kit Carson Scout with severe frag wounds from Booby trap the results were 1 US KHA SGT GLENN RICHARD BREWSTER with 1 Kit Carson Scout KIA, and 1 WHA Brealt, with frag wounds to chest and right leg. A 105mm round, pressure release type booby trap. At 1801hrs Delta Company we are moving to our Night Defense Position vicinity BS796349. At 1222hrs Delta Company reports a change in their Night Defense Position at BS796381. And at 1253hrs Delta Company all patrols have closed on BS787342. At 1840hrs Delta Company we are now in our Night Defense Position at BS794346. SGT GLENN RICHARD BREWSTER LISTED AS KHA. Delta Company reports that SP4 Kenneth S. Breault was evac to the 27th Surgical Hospital with Multiple Frag Wounds to chest and right leg.
Echo Company
March 14, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0654hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fires 13, Observed Mission 4, and Defense Fire 4 for a total of 45 HE, 4 WP and 23 Illumination. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz.