Headquarters and Headquarter Company
March 13, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1910hrs LZ Max had 30 to 75 Vietnamese civilians moving about with baskets at BS743468 and BS748473. We checked with MACV MO Duc and the Village Chief and negative knowledge was given. The personnel have been carrying these baskets into to tree line and returning with out the baskets. There appears to be a small patrol at BS742463 and there is a herd of cattle 15 to 20 head at the tree line. At 1855hrs Brigade LRRP 34 Nevada, call sign King Edward will Recon the area of BS7532, BS7932, BS7928 and BS7528 during the period 140600 to 201700 March 1970 with primary LZ is BS763282.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0816hrs 1-20 Infantry to the 1SGT of Charlie and Delta Companies were informed of the LOH on station at 1300hrs today. At 1140hrs Charlie Company 26 Engineer at BS753533, 1 5 Ton dump truck detonated 1 Artillery 155mm round Booby trap buried in the ground with pressure released type firing device with results 1 US WIA (E) and one 5 Ton dump truck a combat loss, the crater size 3’ deep and 4’ wide. Also detained 4 man with negative ID and 1 man with no ID evac to LZ Bronco. Charlie Company 26 Engineer SP4 Gerald Dodcette to B 23 Medical and 91 Evac at 1140hrs with FX left arm, left leg and neck.
Alpha Company
March 13, 1970
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 1955hrs Alpha Company all snakes are roving along the access road, the 35 snake from BS758434 to BS764437, the 36 snake from BS764437 to BS771440 and the 37 element from BS770440 to BS775445. The 64 SRRP is located at BS753458.
Bravo Company
March 13, 1970
At 1645hrs Bravo Company 34 element requested an Urgent Dust Off for one Vietnamese female with multiple frag wounds from BS794380. She walked into their perimeter and tripped an ARVN booby tap completed at 1714hrs.
Charlie Company
March 13, 1970
Charlie Company is using multiple and saturation patrolling in their Area of Operation today. At 0833hrs we found a Vietnamese male in advanced stages of decomposition and the items on the body were and ID tag Chain. Also cigarette lighter, mirror, razor blade, as a bill fold with some papers in the billfold on the bank of the steam near the body a old pack of Salem cigarette an M-60 ammo Bandoleer. At 1730hrs Charlie Company 36 element spotted 4 VC/NVA, 2 of them were swimming and the 2 on guard evaded to the south and 2 on the bank evaded to the west. The swimmers left behind 1 NVA helmet, 1 bush hats belts, one grenade, and some AK47 ammo. Also one bandoleer of M-16, and some papers and pictures with one poncho was left behind with the clothing and 2 packs. At 1810hrs the 14 elements closed on Night Defense Position at BS748403. At 1930hrs Charlie Company the 62 element was operating in the area of an NVA base camp observed one person evading. We told the person to stop, did not, so we fired a warning shot in the air, she keep on going and we engaged and wounded her in the stomach. The 62 element did not have contact with the US or his Command Post and LZ Max Dust Off her off, grid BS725453 Dust Off completed at 1030hrs.
Delta Company
March 13, 1970
Delta Company is using Patrol Bases and Saturation Patrolling in their Area of Operations (BS803348 BS797342). At 0712hrs Delta Company 62 element is moving to BS802346, the 63 element is moving to BS807337, the 33 element is moving to BS797347 and the 34 element is moving to BS795336. At 0816hrs 1-20 Infantry to the 1SGT of Charlie and Delta Companies were informed of the LOH on station at 1300hrs today. At 1200hrs Delta Company reports all patrols have closed on BS803348. At 1250hrs An Engineer truck at BS768529 hit a mine and the driver was dusted off, the mine was 40 to 50 pounds and it was believe to be a command detonated. There were 10 detainees turned over to the PF, 4 detainees where hiding in a hedgerow near the mine and the other had no ID. Delta Company reports received the resupply truck. At 1613hrs all patrols are moving out on their patrols. At 1920hrs Delta Company we are in our Night Defense Position at BS797342.
Echo Company
March 13, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0652hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fires 5, Observed Missions 5, and Defense targets 2 with total expended 19 HE, 3 WP and 81 Illumination. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz.