Headquarters and Headquarter Company
February 13, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0420hrs 1-20 Infantry Radar sighted 4 to 5 personnel moving southeast at grid BS761444 and were engaged with 6 HE of 4.2 Mortar rounds and at 2230hrs Radar spotted 3 to 4 stationary personnel at grid BS783489 and engaged with 6 HE of Artillery 8".
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
February 13, 1970
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0936hrs Alpha Company all our snakes have closed on LZ Liz. At 2009hrs Alpha Company reports all their snakes are now in position.
Bravo Company
February 13, 1970
At 0050rs Bravo Company at grid BS783433 we need an Urgent Dust Off for one US with a Temp of 105 and headaches, SSGT John B. Thompson completed at 0110hrs. At 0701hrs Bravo company reports 46 has closed on BS783433, 35 and 75 has closed on their semi permanent position. At 0715hrs Bravo Company the 76 element is moving out and the 33 and 34 elements have closed. At 0835hrs Bravo Company Twin Ville Hamlet Chief reports 30 VC at BS746444 and BS752446. And at 0900hrs Bravo Company the 74 element is moving to BS783445. At 1915hrs Bravo Company 36 snake moving out to BS796420. At 0958hrs Bravo Company 45 has closed on their semi permanent location. At 1530hrs Bravo Company requests Military Police at South Bridge concerning incident between US and RF personnel and the US pulled weapon on RF. Bravo Company units have return to their semi-permanent positions. At 2024hrs Bravo Company 44 snake at BS784447, 44 at BS794437, 36 at BS796420.
Charlie Company
February 13, 1970
At 0822hrs 1-20 Infantry to Charlie Company will ambush along a line from BS778415, BS780410, BS781400, BS781390, BS779384, and BS774373. At 0920hrs Charlie Company the 72 element is at BS744402, the 32 are at BS746395, and the 42 element is at BS734415. At 1310hrs Charlie Company 36 element found trench approximately 200 meters at BS747397 with 15 sleeping positions, need high explosives to blow trench, will send Recon element along with engineers to destroy complex. Found inside the trench 1 VC Flag, 1 .50 caliber type ammo can, with AK 47 rounds and tracers, M-16 rounds and tracers, M-14 7.62 rounds with tracers, 6 M-16 magazines, also 1 Chi Com hand grenades, 1 M-26 hand grenade, medical supplies, and surgical tray, 1 ID with picture, 1 NVA Canteen damaged, 1 bowl, 1 US canteen cup, 1 US canteen, and 1 US canteen cover evac to LZ Liz. At 1744hrs Charlie Company all elements now moving to Night Defense Position at BS778397 and closed on location at 1940hrs. At 2020hrs Charlie Company all snakes in location 42 at BS778410, 43 at BS778415, 45 at BS782406, 72 at BS781396, 74 at BS782402, 75 at BS780393, 35 at BS779379 and 34 at BS783385. At 2035hrs Charlie Company the 36 element at BS770373.
Delta Company
February 14, 1970
At 0710hrs Delta Company the 44, 73, and 74 snakes has closed on BS741446 and the 42 element has closed on the BS738457 and will wait here to link up with the PF. At 0803hrs Delta Company the 32, 33 and 34 elements have closed on BS741446. At 0905hrs Delta Company we have moving to our day logger, we left our 44 element and are in our Night Defense Position to secure for the 24 element. At 0922hrs Delta Company reports the 42 and the PF have linked up and will move out. At 1135hrs Delta Company we are moving out at this time. At 1250hrs Delta Company now in blocking position at girds BS73046-BS746465. At 1500hrs Delta Company tomorrow plans 72, 42 RF will conduct a Recon in Force within grids BS716475, BS727427, BS725467, BS720465, the 32 element with the PF will Recon in Force at BS730478 with Day Logger at BS735480. At 1600hrs Delta Company addition to RF/PF snake for tonight with 2 US from MACV, 01 at BS723478 and 02 at BS730480. At 1710hrs Delta Company requested Routine Dust Off for G. Brewster with a twisted Knee completed 1716hrs. Delta Company 02 spotted and engaged 3 VC moving from west to east results One VC with green Uniform KIA with negative weapons or documents, two other VC evade to vicinity BS737484. At 1810hrs Delta Company the 73, 74, 72 and 32 snakes have moved out and the 42, 12 and 28 moving to Night Defense Position at BS743474 and later 72 is at BS729461, 32 at BS728461, 73 at BS732451 and 74 at BS725453. At 1840hrs Delta Company 02 spotted and engaged 3 VC moving from west to east, with results 1 VC with green uniform KIA, negative weapon or documents. Two other VC evaded to vicinity BS737484 was unable to determine if they had weapons. At 2000hrs Delta Company total snakes are in Position 72 at BS729446, 32 at BS728461, 42 at BS735474, 73 at BS732451, 34 at BS729468, 44 at BS746473, 74 at BS725453, 35 at BS729471, 45 at BS746465 also Delta Company with RF/PF 01 at BS723478, 02 at BS730481, 03 at BS748470 and 04 at BS749473. PFC Elmer E. Hall went to A 23rd Medical Battalion.
Echo Company
March 13, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0638hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Mission 5, Observed Mission 7 for a total of 41 HE 3 WP and 28 Illumination were expended. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0748hrs Recon Platoon we are moving out in a 3 prong, staggered formation. At 0805hrs Recon our present location is BS773404, this is our PZ location. At 0822hrs 1-20 Infantry check out grid BS780395 for a body and AK47 and call in your PZ location. At 0944hrs Recon our new PZ will be at grid BS763425 and had negative finding at BS780395.