Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 13, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0630hrs A Troop we are moving out on our sweep. At 1405hrs LTC Fischer informed the Brigade XO LTC Henshel of the 10 Vietnamese KBA at BS758459 along the 515 highway, LTC Fischer requested an investigation be initiated on units being involved. At 1900hrs 11 Brigade a convoy will leave Quin Nhon the morning o 14 April 1970 and arrive at I Corps Boundary at 141100 April 1970. The convoy will rest over night at Chu Lai and return to Quin Nhon at 150800hrs and the 1-20 Infantry will monitor the convoy progress while they are in your Area of Operation.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
April 13, 1970

Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 0935hrs Alpha Company we found a tunnel at BS776479 with negative finding in side and the 65 element will blow the tunnel. At 1005hrs Alpha Company we are at the bottom of LIZ At 1935hrs all elements are in location, the 05, 45, 65, elements area roving from BS760433 to BS776439.


Bravo Company
April 13, 1970

At 0540hrs Bravo Company 05 moving to blocking Position BS800430 to BS795430, the 61 element is blocking position from BS799415 to BS800430. At 0943hrs the PF reported to Bravo Company at 2200hrs last night 10 females where KBA at BS758459 in the Ville west of the North Bridge. The 10 Vietnamese females were the result of 155 Artillery, it is not known if the females were VC or civilians. It was learned later that it happen in the Mo Duc District and MACV Mo Duc was informed. Major Baugh said that the VC set up a 60mm mortar in the Ville where the Artillery came in and fired on LZ Max. They then left toward the Mountains prior to the Artillery coming in. At 1345hrs Bravo Company 44 element at BS775440 picked up one female with no ID and PF picked up one male with ID both going to MACV. At 1700hrs Bravo Company 64 element who is providing Road Security has closed on BS796395. At 1845hrs the 46 element spotted 2 male VC with weapons (AK47) and dressed in black pajamas. They evaded to the southeast and the 46 element engaged with negative results and is now calling in Artillery in the area.


Charlie Company
April 13, 1970

At 0712hrs Charlie Company the 05a element has one Chieu Hoi, male, approximately 20 years of age with no ID at grid BS744434. The Chieu Hoi at the ambush site, he was wearing a black uniform and we found pistol belt, a canteen cup, claymore bag, hammock and extra clothing. He said there is a tunnel in the area. At 0756hrs Charlie Company 01 snake has one Vietnamese Monk, approximately 51 years of age, who walked into our perimeter at BS734436, he tried to evade but was caught. He is dress in purple top and black bottoms, the 42 element is going to BS759465 grid of the Ville where Monk lives and checking the area. At 0833hrs Charlie Company request a routine Dust Off for 1 Vietnamese male with malaria and 1 Vietnamese child with frag wounds to the legs at BS723430 and completed at 0859hrs. 0858hrs Charlie Company more information on Chieu Hoi includes Name Leanh, 20 dressed in black came from the mountains last night and his home is in Duc Pho and he led Charlie Company to 2 tunnels one at BS733438, and other at BS731439 both were destroyed. At 1210hrs Charlie Company 51 element reports a find of 4 to 6 tons of rice between BS748468 and BS750474 and rice was extracted to MACV Mo Duc. At 1405hrs LTC Fischer informed the Brigade XO LTC Henshel of the 10 Vietnamese KBA at BS758459 along the 515 highway, LTC Fischer requested an investigation be initiated on units being involved. At 1730hrs Charlie Company we are leaving our Day Logger to our Night Defense Position at BS744439. Charlie Company closed on their Night Defense Position at 1855hrs with multiple snakes out. At 2005hrs Charlie Company we found 100 pounds of rice and one Vietnamese female who the National Police believe to VC, they’ll hold the Vietnamese detainee for extraction to Military Intelligence in the morning.


Delta Company
April 13, 1970

Delta Company continued with their Security Mission for LZ Liz. Delta Company at 0640hrs 1 US with high temp Reed who was dusted off from Liz at 0732hrs. At 1215hrs we are leaving LIZ we will hold our location to check out area of BS764420 further. O3 element found one 55-gallon drum of rice and one basket (empty) camouflaged at BS767425. Delta Company 61 elements picked up one VC suspect wearing purple shorts, checked pants and red sandals. He was 10 years old and we found a small amount of C4 on him along with a grenade fuse and tripwire at Grid BS745414 will send him to Brigade Infantry Military Intelligence. Delta Company 74-81 elements at BS764429 found 500 lbs of rice, unpolished, fish, and three pages of what looks to be documents of some kind. We will hold for extraction. Delta Company at our Night Defense Position at BS766408 and all snakes are in position: The 03 snake at BS768426, 04-BS774423, 05-BS775418, 43-BS756413, 44-BS75414, 45-BS756406, 63-BS745415, 64-BS746440, 65-BS741412, 61-BS743413 and 62-BS75042.


Echo Company
April 13, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 4.2 Platoon reports Supporting Fire 5, Observed Mission 5 and Defense Target 4 10 for a total expended of 28 HE, 4 WP and 44 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense.

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