Headquarters and Headquarter Company
September 12, 1969

Battalion Forward: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and continued their working with the ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0606hrs Helix 33 is on station with fighters to put in Air Strike at BS7144426. At 0722hrs the Oregon LRRP spotted 3 more NVA with packs, no weapons and carrying Chi Com grenades. They were moving the same way as previous 7 (south) about 100 meters from our position. At 0800hrs Oregon LRRP we have 1 enemy KIA and 1 POW, they have NVA web gear, but they look like VC. They are supposedly many more enemy to our north, so we request extraction with gun ships. At 0905hrs 1-20 Infantry request an Area of Operation extension 14/1700hrs to 171800hrs September 1969 for BS7046, BS6946, BS6844, BS6744, BS6742 and BS7042. At 1120hrs Warlord Lead reports at BS708391 1 man evaded into tall bushed, and we lost him and at BS734418 saw what looked like food stuffs in silver cans on ground, brand new bunkers, also at BS702352 old base camp but has seen some recent use and at BS699382 classroom with blackboard and chairs in place around it. At BS698372 3 to 6 bunkers and at BS700378 some type catapult 4’ by 6’ in diameter, same as in the old B movies also at BS698405 lots of recent movement, grass well beaten down. At 1145hrs E Troop 1st Calvary Desire 36 will be the call sign of the sub element OPCON to you contact them on their internal. At 1200hrs The S-2 POW captured by LRRP says there is a rice cache of 8,000 pounds located at BS795488 and he is a VC armed laborer (carrying an AK-47). He works for a main body of NVA consisting of about 160 men. The NVA located at BS699416, and there are about 200 laborers helping with the rice. At 1306hrs Tracks reports they are at LZ Liz at this time. At 1830hrs Warlord lead at BS826432 spot NVA uniforms drying on stakes at BS826433 one military age male KIA by little bird (LOH) evading from spider hole to bunker. He had a white side wall haircut possible NVA. At BB828436 unmanned .50 cal machine gun, very fresh dug and at BS824425 with 3 Huey rotor blades lying in sand, someone mush have been carrying them dropped them and ran. Probably were going to be used as building material. Entire area covered with fresh bunkers, spider holes, all round appearance. Must used in last few days, big build up of enemy forces at BS829410 also one khaki uniform in front of bunker and at BS832411 another KIA evading in front of Alpha Company LOH shot him, military age male,

Battalion Rear: Battalion Rear continued their Mission for providing general support for the Battalion. 0145hrs Target Detection: String D-3 at 0048hrs picked up 6-7 persons moving north to south engaged with 12 rounds of 105mm HE. At 0113hrs at BS74253700 picked up 5-6 persons moving to north to south engaged with 6 rounds Artillery HE.


Alpha Company
September 12, 1969

At 0629hrs Alpha Company our 24 element has closed on Night Defense Position with the 4 men who were lost. At 0700hrs Alpha Company at grid BS815425 we spotted approximately 12 personnel too far to distinguish characteristic they do appear to be in some type of military formation. At 0810hrs Alpha Company 43 element while making a cloverleaf search at BS823403 found a booby trap and blew it in place at BS822403. At 0905hrs at BS828401, found 12 large family bunkers and will destroy it request explosives to blow bunkers. At 0920hrs while Alpha Company was crossing the Channel at BS828403, one US with pack stepped in a hole, he couldn’t swim and got scared, as a results he lost his M-79. The rest of the element has searched for the M-79 with negative results. Man who lost his M-79 is Gerald Altadonna Line # A3294. At 1055hrs Alpha Company at BS828401 spotted 1 NVA in blue he evaded into tunnel leaving an M-16 in the hedgerow engaged with small arms fire and hand frag, results one NVA KIA, 1 M-16 CIA also found documents in tunnel. At 1125hrs at BS822407, spotted a Platoon size enemy force some have weapons some have packs calling in 81mm at this time. At 1330hrs at BS824407, found new tunnel complex which 4-5 people were living with negative finding inside will blow tunnel complex. At 1510hrs Alpha Company all elements closed on Day Logger. At 1750hrs Alpha Company is moving to their Night defense Position and at 1920hrs closed at BS833412.


Bravo Company
September 12, 1969

At 0557hrs Bravo Company our 74 snake has closed on LZ Liz. At 0725hrs Bravo Company reports on 81mm mortar expended 11 HE, 8 Illumination and 24 WP rounds. Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz. At 2015hrs Bravo Company 24 snake location is at BS766437 Access Road snake.


Charlie Company
September 12, 1969

At 0535hrs Charlie Company 76 closed and 0553hrs 48 closed on our Night Defense Position. At 0755hrs Charlie Company 73, 23 and part of the Command Post are moving into the area that had Air Strikes and Artillery location at BS7252525. At 0810hrs Charlie Company we are at the site of the dummy mortar tubes and the dummies is made of banana stalks, strew and is wrapped in black cloth. We will conduct a search of the area and we are waiting further instructions. At 0910hrs Charlie Company at location of Dummy mortar site 200 meters northwest, the 23 element found 200 pounds of rice, 100 rounds of AK47 rounds and one Chi Com 60 mortar round as we continue to check area. At 1115hrs Charlie Company our 73 element is located at BS705431 and at 1142hrs the 73 is now moving to BS708419 to link up with 23 and Command Post element and when everyone is link up, we will move to our Day Logger. At 1600hrs Charlie Company is at BS732425. At 1940hrs Charlie Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS717433, with 23 at BS714435 and 73 at BS720430.


Delta Company
September 12, 1969

At 0755hrs Delta Company reports their location at BS737529. At 0845hrs Delta Company requested a Routine Dust Off for one man with possible malaria completed at 0830hrs at BS737529 Name Wajvoda, Edward PFC completed at 0840hrs. At 1800hrs Delta Company moved to LZ Snoopy and at 2030hrs Delta snake at BS795406 moving to ambush log on the western side of the river, received heavy volume AK47 fire with negative results or casualties.


Echo Company
September 12, 1969

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0555hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Scheduled Fires 7 and Observed Mission 1 with total expended 14 HE and 36 CS rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 0910hrs Recon Platoon at BS712428 found 200 pounds of rice, 100 rounds of AK ammo, one Chi Com hand grenade, and 1 60mm round destroyed in place. At 0950hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS779416. At 1600hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS779445. At 2115hrs Recon Platoon (23 and 43) vicinity BS714435 received AK47 fire, received heavy volume AK47 fire with negative casualties.

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