Headquarters and Headquarter Company
June 12, 1971

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0030hrs South OP had a trip flare ignite 25 meters to south and engaged with small arms fire, fired 2 hand illumination rounds and had negative sightings. At 0300hrs MACV Mo Duc at 0020hrs PF 166 ambushed 10 VC resulting in 5 VC KIA, 1 VC WIA/CIA and 1 PF WIA (did not need Dust Off) not confirmed by US. The VC evaded north across the river vicinity of ambush at 685593. At 0355hrs 1-20 Infantry Saber 44 working Box 62 and at 0430hrs breaking out of Box 62 going to 63 with negative findings, broke station at 0455hrs. At 0540hrs Delta Company Bunkers 6, 7, 8 and 9 were inspected by CPT Gleaves all were satisfactory. At 0840hrs 1-20 Infantry Helix 34 is on station at this time. At 0946hrs 1-20 Infantry Warlord 3 is on station for AOD 260 at this time. At 0946hrs 1-20 Infantry Warlord 3 is on station for AOD 260 at this time. At 1300hrs Helix 35 is on station at this time, broke station at 1314hrs and at Warlord 3 is on station for box 62. At 1440hrs 1-20 Infantry Dolphin 3 is on station for Combat Assault of Delta Company 1st Platoon and Rangers: PZ 1427hrs and LZ at 1434hrs. At 1730hrs 1-20 Infantry Dolphin 16 broke station. At 2031hrs 1-20 Infantry Mechanical Ambushes out: Alpha 1, Bravo 5, Charlie 6, and Recon 1 for a total of 13 out. At 2040hrs Saber 44 is on station for NH 61, negative findings, at 2105hrs breaking station, going to refuel. Saber 44 is on station at 2127hrs for Box 64, negative sightings and broke station at 2150hrs. At 2225hrs MACV Mo Duc, vicinity BS728555 requested 1 Dust Off for 1 PF, priority, with wounds to stomach, negative Vietnamese Air Force (Dam-03), Bird # 52 completed at 2255hrs, M-79 round believed to be fired by VC. At 2305hrs TO CPT Norton FROM Major Edwards: 1 Requests trucks to arrive Liz at 131000hrs June 1971 to Delta Company Command Post to aid in extraction of Delta Company. 2. Circus to be held for Charlie Company no later then 131000hrs June 1971. 3. Delta Company to arrive Bronco Combat Assault 1500hrs 13 June 1971. Legend: 1st Platoon 17, 2nd Platoon 44, 3rd Platoon 56, 4th Platoon 23, CO-64.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. PFC Lendel M. Martin was evac to the 91st Evac Hospital medic (see Charlie Company).


Alpha Company
June 12, 1971

Alpha Company continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0639hrs Alpha Company Command Post found 2nd booby trap in last night position at BS632557, both were pressure release one was in open the other was covered by a mat on a trail, blew in place, also old and rusty. At 0653hrs Alpha Company changed in Command Post Patrol Base to BS636567, are moving to that grid at the present time. At 0620hrs Alpha Company 3rd Platoon Patrol is moving to BS635552. At 1945hrs Alpha Company all elements in Night Defense Position Command Post, 3rd and 4th Platoons at BS636558 and 1st Platoon at BS638564.


Bravo Company
June 12, 1971

Bravo Company continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling with some multiple Day Ambushes in their Area of Operation. At 0639hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon is moving out to their Patrol Base and at 0750hrs Bravo Company 1st Platoon closed on Patrol Base at BS694485. At 0952hrs Bravo Company 2nd Platoon patrol closed on 708453. At 2030hrs Bravo Company all elements in Night Defense Position Command Post and 3rd Platoon is at BS705475, 1st and 4th Platoons is at BS692483 and 2nd Platoon is at BS701452 with 5 Mechanical Ambushes out.


Charlie Company
June 12, 1971

Charlie Company continued to use Patrol Bases and multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0810hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon ambush closed on BS726414 and 1st Platoon is in their Patrol Base at BS713439. At 1047hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon Patrol is moving to BS706435 and at 1100hrs 2nd Platoon Patrol closed on BS726414. At 1700hrs Charlie Company requested priority Dust Off for 1 US (medic) with 103.2 temp and numbing left shoulder, Monachino, Paul C., picked up by Resupply Bird (Dolphin 16) completed at 1428hrs vicinity BS726428. At 1810hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon received info from 2 coke kids vicinity BS722445 7-10 years old, that 5 VC wearing ARVN uniforms and civilian clothes of assorted colors, 3 VC were carrying M-16 rifles with 3 bandoleers of ammo and 1 was carrying a carbine with 2 magazines. The VC robbed coke kids of money and evaded into village vicinity BS732447. At 2013hrs Charlie Company in Night Defense Position Command Post and 3rd Platoon at BS724429, 2nd Platoon at BS715440, and 1st Platoon at BS638564 with 6 Mechanical ambush out.


Delta Company
June 12, 1971

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ LIZ at 2350hrs CPT. Rader inspected bunkers 1, 2, 3, 4 and17 all satisfactory. At 1440hrs 1-20 Infantry Dolphin 3 is on station for Combat Assault of Delta Company 1st Platoon and Rangers: PZ 1427hrs and LZ at 1434hrs. Delta Company 1st Platoon rejoins Company on LZ Liz.


Echo Company
June 12, 1971

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for 1-20 Infantry. At 1836hrs Recon element is leaving LZ Liz to BS768417. At 2014hrs Recon element closed on Night Defense Position at BS768417.

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