Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 12, 1970
Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0129hrs TMF time 0111hrs, String 76 reports stationary target with negative metal confirmation engaged 6 HE VT 105 Artillery rounds, fired at 0121hrs. At 0955hrs TMF String 73 fired on 6 persons that where moving southwest to northeast, metal confirmation and artillery was notified at 0940hrs Visual Recon Team requested on secure at 0950hrs.engaged with 8 VT 105 Artillery HE at 0954hrs and no Visual Recon Team was available. At 1342hrs MACV Mo Duc informed that an officer from C-19 element was 1 of the 4 VC drilled 120830hrs July 1970 by Delta Company at BS746571. At 0737hrs S-5 Report Psychological operations were conducted with Leaflets and taps for both VIP and Chieu Hoi programs. Bravo Company conducts VIP turning at BS707622. LEGEND: 1st Platoon 14-19, 2nd Platoon 54-59, 3rd Platoon 34-39, Co- 21.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
July 12, 1970
Alpha Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Liz and the Access Road.
Bravo Company
July 12, 1970
Bravo Company continued their joint Operations with PF and RF units on their Hamlet Pacification and security of Highway 1. At 0600hrs Bravo Company 17 and 58 elements are closing on the Day Logger at BS719639. At 1810hrs Bravo Company at BS722596. At 0950hrs Bravo Company the 34 element with 161 PF captured 2 VC males at BS750537. 1 was 24 to 25 with no ID green shirt and black pants the other was 21 to 22 with negative ID wearing blue shirt and black pants. They had on their person VC propaganda sheets, small amount of chow and 1 had some type of a diary. 1 of these VC had a toe missing (was believed to be shot off) and we requested aircraft for extraction. At 1230hrs Bravo Company the 17 element received 155mm round from baby Vietnamese can’t read the serial number and they paid 300 Vietnamese. At 1735hrs Bravo Company the 58 element is in location blocking from BS730634 to BS735637. At 1745hrs Bravo Company at grid BS734625 the 14 element received 2 to 4 rounds of sniper fire. They checked the area with negative findings. They are continuing to move to checkpoint 2. At 1810hrs Bravo Company at BS722596, the 36 element is receiving small arms fire and M-79 fire, results 1 VC WIA (gunshot in leg). The VC was wearing green under shorts and plastic sandals. They evaded to the hills (Big Red 1) where they lost contact with the personnel. At 1830hrs Bravo Company at grid BS722596 request a routine Dust Off for 2 male VC WIA gunshot wounds in legs as a result of contact with the 36 element. The Dust Off was completed at 1925hrs. At 1835hrs Bravo Company at grid BS706622 and urgent Dust Off was called for 1 Papasan who suffered gunshot wounds in the chest and leg as a results of being caught in a cross fire with the 36 element, the Dust Off was completed at 1845hrs. At 1847hrs Bravo Company a priority Dust Off for 1 female (civilian) shot in leg during contact Command Post at BS734654 completed at 1915hrs. At 1905hrs Bravo Company the 54 element found 2 booby traps at BS750650, #1 hand frag M-26 with trip wire, #2 2 60mm rounds with can of Petna, electrical blasting caps with a trip wire, all were blown in place. At 2120hrs LATE SPOT at 1800hrs Bravo Company the 36 element is receiving small arms fire and M-79 fire spotted 3 VC evading to the south and the VC engaged them with small arms fire. The results were 1 VC WIA with 1 AK47 CIA. The VC was wearing blue green uniform and was 17 years old. He had no ID or documents. The Bravo Company element chased the VC in a hootch and assaulted the hootch results is 1 VC CIA 17 years old. We also have another VC wounded in the leg and then requested a Routine Dust Off for two male VC WIA (with gunshots wounds in legs) as a result of contact with the 36 element at 1835hrs at grid BS706622. They were evac to LZ Bronco and Military Intelligence channels. An a Urgent Dust Off was called for 1 Papasan who suffered gunshot wounds in the chest and legs results of crossfire with the 36 contact completed at 1847hrs and another Dust Off for 1 Female also hit by crossfire completed at 1847hrs. At 1905hrs Bravo Company 54 element found 2 booby trap at BS750650 and destroyed in place. SP4 HANS ANTHONY RAJCEVAC LISTED AS KIA (SEE JUNE 22, 1970 Died of wounds).
Charlie Company
July 12, 1970
At 0240hrs Charlie Company was notified of radar sighting at grid BS785439. There were 1 to 3 personnel that where moving northeast. At 0630hrs Charlie Company the 16 and 18 elements closed on their Day Logger. At 0950hrs Charlie Company the 34 element with 161 PF captured 2 VC males at BS750537. One was 24-25 with no ID, other 21-22, no ID. They had on their person VC propaganda sheets, small amount of chow and one had some type of a diary, and one of the VC had a toe missing which was believed to be shot off. Aircraft requested for extraction. At 2001hrs Charlie Company elements are in the Night Defense Position at BS796445.
Delta Company
July 12, 1970
At 0601hrs Delta Company 17 and 58 elements is closing on their Day Logger and other elements moving out on patrols. The 58 element at 0620hrs vicinity BS759561, they gave a warning and then fired at the VC was 150 to 200 meters away and moving east to west. The VC evaded into the tree line. The 58 element is checking the area, they pick up 3 detainee in the same area, female, age 10-13, 2 of them were in all black, the other in back pants and white shirts. The 3 females were with the VC when engaged, when he evaded to the wood line the females gave up. At 0840hrs Delta Company at grid BS746571 the 16 element sprung a daylight ambush on 4 VC resulting in 4 KIA 3males (26-30) I in green uniform, I believed to be a honcho, 1 female, they engaged the VC at 30 meters. Capture 1 .45 cal US pistol 2 RPG 7 rounds, documents, packs and assorted equipment. The .45 cal pistol had 2 clips of ammo. The 16 element received no return fire. VC were moving south to north, also in with the equipment they found a sight for an RPG launcher RPG 7. The documents were evacuated to Liz. At 0950hrs Delta Company the 34 element with 161 PF captured 2 VC males at BS750537, one was 24-25 with no ID, green shirt black pants, the other 21-22 with no ID green shirt and black pants, the other 21-22 no ID wearing blue shirt and black pants. They had on their person VC propaganda sheets; small amount of chow and one had some type of a diary and One of these VC had a toe missing which was believed to been shot off. At early evening, Delta Company element engaged 1 VC with negative results. At 1342hrs MACV Mo Duc Informed that an officer from C-19 element was 1 of the 4 VC drilled 120830hrs July 1970 by Delta Company at BS746571. At 1725hrs Delta Company the 34 patrol is moving out to 769554 with Chieu Hoi to check for weapons. At 1753rhs Delta Company the 56 patrol engaged 2 NVA/VC 500 meters from their Day Logger and fired at them from 300 meters away. The 14 element sent out as a reaction force, linked up with 56 and checked the area with negative findings. At 1805hrs Delta Company the 56 element engaged 2 VC/NVA at BS757565 from 300 meters. 1 of they had an AK 47 they evaded to the north and the point man was the only 1 who had time to fire on them. They checked out the area with negative findings. At 1820hrs Delta Company the 34 element patrol is back at location, a Chieu Hoi led them to a spider hole, large enough for 4 people, with negative findings the spider hole is at grid BS775544. At 1900hrs Delta Company the 56 patrol got 1 detainee with a bad ID said he was 63. He was hiding in bunker and will extract to Military Intelligence name Nguyen Quit. At 2029hrs Delta Company reports they have closed on their Night Defense Position.
Echo Company
July 12, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0530hrs 4.2 Platoon reports Fire Mission 7 for a total expended of 108 HE and 29 Illumination rounds. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry. At 2035hrs Recon all snakes are in their pre planned locations.