Headquarters and Headquarter Company
December 11, 1970
Forward Area: (1-20 Infantry Headquarters) is located at LZ Liz and continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0705hrs Brigade, APD Box 216, Date/Time/Grid 110600hrs to 111800hrs December 1970, BS6640-BS7240-BS7436-BS6636. Engineers reports mine sweep is starting. At 0825hrs Primo 6 is on station for Command and Control Helicopter. At 0910hrs the Mine sweep is completed at this time. At 0945hrs MACV Mo Duc reports Intelligence of 10 VC with weapons at BS696584 and 15 VC half with weapons at BS696584. At 1130hrs S-4 Dolphin reports Dolphin 423 on station for resupply. At 1230hrs Dolphin 423 spotted 1105mm Artillery round in vicinity BS745435, Recon will check it out. At 1235hrs AMC Ship Broke Station and Combat Assault of Alpha Company Companies was completed 1 PZ 1023hrs Charlie 33 to BS763377, 2 PZ 1025hrs Charlie 03 to BS755393, 3 PZ 1040hrs Charlie 09-63 to BS755393, and 4 PZ 1048hrs Charlie 83 to BS733508. Also the 5 PZ 1054hrs on back haul Alpha 33 to LZ Liz, 6 PZ 1151hrs Alpha 83 to LZ Liz, 7 PZ 1207hrs Alpha 09-63 to LZ Liz and last 8 PZ 1225hrs Alpha 03 to LZ Liz. At 1725hrs Brigade, APD Box 216 run today, reports negative hot spots. At 1720hrs Warlord 20 breaking station after checking out box 50 (center of mass BS6560) negative findings. Legend: 1st Platoon 83-88, 2nd Platoon 33-38, 3rd Platoon 03-08, 4th Platoon 63-68 and CO 09.
Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.
Alpha Company
December 11, 1970
At 1020hrs Alpha Company and Charlie Company conducts a Combat Assault Charlie Company BS763377 First PZ 1023hrs Last LZ 1053hrs Alpha Company first PZ 1048hrs and Last LZ 1230hrs. Alpha Company is on LZ Liz to take over Security Mission for LZ Liz.
Bravo Company
December 11, 1970
At 0940hrs Bravo Company vicinity BS747464, 4th Platoon has 3 155mm rounds, 1 155 round with negative Petna in it. The 2 Vietnamese children pointed them out, destroyed when they received their Demo, and they were not set up as booby traps and we paid 3 cans of C-Rations. At 1005hrs Bravo Company 3rd Platoon vicinity BS728428 were shown a 155 round by a 11 year old Vietnamese child (lot#cg001-81969) paid 200 piastras and was destroyed in place. At 1224hrs B Company 4th Platoon BS723456, while on patrol discovered a total of 38 tunnels, running up to 100’ into the ground, with a stream at the end, they did not look like they had been used recently. They were natural rock formation tunnels, someone located by the Recon in the same area. At 1508hrs Bravo Company vicinity BS728428, bought 2 155 rounds, from a 10 year old Vietnamese male, paid 4 cans C Ration for them and destroyed in place. Again Bravo Company used multiple ambushes tonight.
Charlie Company
December 11, 1970
At 0400hrs Charlie Company reports Bunker 5 spotted movement to their front, engaged with small arms and 40mm fire. Had negative further movement, believe to be 1 or 2 personnel. Combat Assault by Charlie Company with Alpha Company being back hauled to LZ Liz, 1st PZ 1023hrs to BS763377 and last LZ at 1053hrs. At 1445 Charlie Company 2nd Platoon vicinity BS769379 discovered some well used trails and sleeping positions 3-4 days old, large enough for 8-10 people. A Vietnamese male (10 years old) lead Charlie Company 3rd Platoon, to a 16" Naval round at BS755383. Requested EOD team, and paid the boy 100 piasters and 3 cans C rations. Also 7 105mm Artillery rounds all this blown in place, and paid 10 meals of C rations for them. At 1500hrs Charlie Company the 2nd Platoon at BS769379 bought 4 155 Artillery HE rounds and 4 –79mm rounds from 11 year old Vietnamese male and paid 10 C ration meals and blew in place. At 1627hrs 2nd Platoon vicinity BS763377, purchased 1 manufactured Chi Com with wooden handle missing, also 1 M-79 round also brought from Vietnamese male (11years old) for 3 cans of C rations. At 1951hrs Charlie Company Command Post, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Platoon is at BS755385, 1st Platoon ambushes is at BS724412, BS725416 and at BS728415, 3rd Platoon ambushes BS753382, BS745385 and BS745380.
Delta Company
December 11, 1970
Delta Company will be using Patrol Base and Saturation Patrolling Operations in their Area of Operation. At 0810hrs Delta Company 3rd Platoon patrol is at checkpoint 1vicinity BS738565. At 0850hrs 1st Platoon en route to their Patrol Base spotted and engaged 2 VC with packs and weapons. They engaged at distance of 200 meters. But the VC evaded to the south to the mangroves. The 1st Platoon assaulted, over running and capturing 1 VC. He was 20 years old, dressed in all black, had a (SKS SN#11333887), with 5 rounds of ammo, in the pack was pound of rice, 1 blanket, 1 bottle of Intravenous (Dextroxe). The 2nd VC evaded to the south, 1st Platoon pursed, they how ever had negative results. VC sent to Mo Duc. At 1040hrs Delta Company 1st Platoon patrol checkpoint 2 at BS736578, 2nd Platoon and Command Post patrol checkpoint 1 at BS768542. At 1945hrs Delta Company VC sent to Mo Duc. At 1925hrs Delta Company Command Post 1st 4th Platoon at BS742576, 3rd Platoon BS741561, ambush BS745552, 2nd Platoon BS758550, and ambush at BS761548.
Echo Company
December 11, 1970
Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. At 0209hrs Recon Platoon is moving from LZ Liz to BS746437. At 0304hrs Recon Platoon in location at BS749349. At 0705hrs Recon Platoon closed on LZ Liz. At 1400hrs Recon Platoon is moving out for BS746435. At 1516hrs Recon Platoon has closed on LZ Liz.