Headquarters and Headquarter Company
November 10, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 1020hrs 70C request Urgent Dust Off for 2 Vietnamese children at BS695600, 1 hit a dud 79 round, and 1 was hit in the head by a bullet. Both in bad condition, evac to Quang Nghai Provincial Hospital completed at 1040hrs. At 1150hrs 1-20 Infantry AMC bird on station, Battalion Commander departed LZ Liz for Combat Assault of Bravo Company. At 1158hrs Warlord 3 inserting Animals at BS765537, they spotted 2 new bunkers, and a lean to hootch made from a US type Poncho, all they found was one, ammo can with approximately 5 pounds of unpolished rice. At 1230hrs 1-20 Infantry S-4 80A and resupply ship on station for re supply. At 1232hrs 1-20 Infantry conducts Combat Assault for Bravo Company 1 PZ 1131hrs Bravo 62 LZ at BS755568, 2 PZ 1150hrs Bravo 12 LZ at BS753576, 3 PZ 1207hrs Bravo R-32 LZ at BS755568, 4 PZ 1221hrs Bravo 82 LZ at BS756572 Combat Assault is completed and Battalion Commander returned to LZ Liz. At 1307hrs Helix 23 on station and sent to Bravo Company. At 1353hrs Helix 33 is breaking station at this time. At 1446hrs 1-20 Infantry TOC War Lord 3 called, advised that he will be working Air Calvary Box 63 A. We have negative friendly in that area. At 1549hrs Helix 35 on station sent to Bravo Company and broke station at 1605hrs. At 1610hrs 1-20 Infantry S-4 80A Resupply bird is breaking station. At 2300hrs 1-20 Infantry requested that Area of Operation extension B-05A be extended from 111200hrs November 1970 to 141200hrs November 1970 approved LT DE. Legend 1st Platoon 12-18, 2nd Platoon 62-68, 3rd Platoon 82-88, 4th Platoon 32-38 and CO 44.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0950hrs Brigade Highway 1 will be closed today between 1100hrs and 15hrs today and everyday until 14 November 1970, from check point 12 through 14, between LZ Snoopy and Quang Ngai. Medic PFC Tryvue Rydberry was evac to 23rd Medical (see Delta Company November 10, 1970).


Alpha Company
November 10. 1970

At 0615hrs Alpha Company is moving to check out Ville at BS759415 and complete search of Ville vicinity BS759415 with negative finding. At 0810hrs Alpha Company moved to LZ Liz to take over Security Mission. Late Spot Alpha Company 3rd Platoon found 24 sleeping position in the grass, were not dug in. The grass was mashed down, and a rough estimate is 20-24 hours old. There was nothing else around; this was in the vicinity BS722387. Alpha Company commander states he though this had been called in, which is reason for Late Spot.


Bravo Company
November 10, 1970

Bravo Company Combat Assault 1st LZ 1144hrs to BS755568 and last LZ to BS756572. At 1300hrs Bravo Company inserting 2nd Platoon at BS763568, Shark 8 spotted 1 military age male with pack and possible a weapon at BS757553. Enemy evaded under a tree, 1st Platoon was diverted and dropped on top of suspect site. The initially found 1 pack, and then they found and extracted 2 males age 19 and 25, one with a recent bullet wound. Shark 8 then notified the ground element that neither of the 2 captured was the original evades. 1st Platoon found a tunnel, frag the tunnel and is now digging it up with entrenching tools. At 1430hrs Bravo Company 2nd Platoon found 4 Booby traps, 2 US M-26 hand frag with trip wire, 1 can of Petna with trip wire, and 1 Punji pit with M-26 hand frag attached. The Punji pit was 2’ X 2’ X 2’, Punji stakes were 18" long, made o bamboo, the frag was attached to one of the Punji with a wire, looked to be fairly recent. Booby Traps found vicinity BS752764, destroyed it in place and at 1430hrs the 2 POW from Bravo Company 1st Platoon had 2 sandbag type packs, with rice, 2 hammocks, 1 wallet with picture (none military) 40 piasters, age 23-32, both dressed in black and negative ID. At 1818hrs Bravo Company reports Elements 44, 32, 62 in Night Defense Position at BS772567, with multiple ambushes in their location.


Charlie Company
November 10, 1970

At 0640hrs Charlie Company 1st Platoon checking area where unknown type Artillery round impacted in the vicinity BS658575. A 0845hrs Charlie Company 12 element is moving out to BS653564, the 62 is moving to BS655575 and the 83 element is moving to BS630582. At 1055hrs Charlie Company at BS674563 3rd Platoon found a (250 pounds) bomb, just off a trail. It was OD green, sticking 2 feet up out of the ground, and 12" across, and requesting an EOD team. At 1207hrs Charlie Company 2nd Platoon found 1200 pound of rice vicinity BS600567. Rice is from this year harvest, and in good condition. It was hidden in 2 55 gallon drums, 2 10 gallon drums and 1 5 gallon drum. These drums had metal lids and were covered with plastic and straw. Drums were dug in at the base of two bunkers, and very well camouflaged. They ill have prepared for extraction at about 1400hrs. At 1333hrs Charlie Company at BS660567, same site as rice cache, picked up 4 detainees, all are male ages, 15, 35, 46 and 49. They evaded upon Platoon approach, 2 had ID, 2 did not and one of the detainees had a card that states he would not carry rice for the VC. He mentioned to Kit Carson Scout that he had been at a VC base camp not long ago. They say rice at that location belonged to civilians in the area. There are no civilians in the area though. At 1501hrs 2nd Platoon closed on BS655575. At 1511hrs the 250 pounds bomb found early is destroyed in place. At 1907hrs Charlie Company at BS658559 requests Urgent Dust Off, 1 US severe chest pains, LZ will be marked by flares, secure LZ, line #213 Welch, completed 1935hrs.


Delta Company
November 10, 1970

At 1145hrs Delta Company at 700514, request Priority Dust Off for 1 US with broken bone in hand Line #338 Beauergaurd, also I US with heat over exhaustion and temp 94.6 Rydberry completed 1604hrs. At 1524hrs Delta Company has reached highway 1 at BS734538 awaiting trucks to arrive from LZ Dragon. At 1604hrs Delta Company at the foot of LZ Liz at move onto LZ Liz to take over the Security Mission for LZ Liz. Medic PFC Tryvue Rydberry was evac to 23rd Medical.


Echo Company
November 10, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. Echo Company Headquarters has the coordination responsibility for Base Defense. Recon Platoon continued their Security Mission for the 1-20 Infantry.

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