Headquarters and Headquarter Company
April 10, 1970

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Liz and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0420hrs 1-20 Infantry Radar at 2030hrs 6 to 8 stationary personnel were sighted at BS749468 with negative clearance due to the proximity of Charlie Company at 2110hrs 6 to 10 personnel were sighted at BS779463 with negative clearance due to the proximity of Charlie Company. At 2200hrs PPS-5 sighted 5 to 6 stationary personnel and engaged with 9 HE rounds of 4.2 Mortar and at 0225hrs 6 to 8 stationary personnel were sighted at BS753306 and engaged with 17 HE rounds of Artillery 105mm. At 0620hrs A Troop reports we are moving out. At 0630hrs A Troop the 16 and 26 elements while moving from their perimeter at BS828448, found amine, pressure type, buried in the sand 10’ from the water, we will blow it in place. At 0710hrs A Troop the 36 found a dud 155 round at BS833437 which was blown in place and also blew 3 family size bunkers at BS803442, 2 to 3 men size. At 0810hrs A Troop we will be able to remain in the objective area until 1030hrs and at 1200hrs we will link up with the rear party at BS803448 and will be back out to their objective area by 1500hrs. At 1848hrs A Troop the 26 element found a booby trap at objective 5, it was a M-26 grenade with a trip wire attached. It was blown in place with negative casualties, at grid BS783487. At 0910hrs 1-20 Infantry the Battalion Commander left LZ Liz and returned at 0955hrs. At 0928hrs Helix 37 is putting in an Air Strike on BS719475. At 0940hrs A Troop the 16 element blew 2 bunkers, 2 to 3 man size at BS795467. Inside 1 of these bunkers were materials for making trigger for booby traps cut from pieces of wood, nylon and string. The 16 element also got 1 small secondary explosion when blowing bunkers. At 1047hrs A Troop we have completed our operation and at 1047hrs A Troop the 16 found a dud 81mm round which was blown in place at BS795466. At 1220hrs A Troop the 26 Night Defense Position is at BS830440, the 16 and 26 Night Defense Position is at BS840423 and the Recon snake is at BS840405 with no call sign. At 1937hrs A Troop all elements are in location the 16 and 36 is at BS840423 and the 26 is at BS830440.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco.


Alpha Company
April 10, 1970

Alpha Company continued to use Day Logger and multiple patrolling in their Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operation. At 0625hrs Alpha Company 02 is moving to BS784376, 03 to BS778366, 41 to BS775365, 42 to BS776374, 43 to BS776374, 43 to BS772382, 62 to BS775402 and the 63 element to BS780397. At 0735hrs Alpha Company 43 at BS769395 and 42 at BS770382 picked up four detainee 3 males and 1 female, they will be extracted to LZ Liz. Alpha Company set up in their Night Defense Position 81 and 74 elements are at BS774402, 41 at BS781407, 03 and 04 at BS762393 and multiple ambushes out.


Bravo Company
April 10, 1970

Bravo Company again are providing Security for the Rice Harvest along with ARVN units in their Area of Operation. At 0528hrs Bravo Company 45 element moving to a block position at BS791474 to BS791485 and at 0614hrs 42 and 03 element is at BS793376 to BS783366. Alpha Company at 0630hrs starts to conduct their Search and Clear operation to the Bravo Company Blocking position. At 0735hrs Bravo Company we request a Urgent Dust Off for 2 PF with M-79 frag wounds of the back and arm, they tripped a M-79 booby trap at BS787376 and completed at 0746hrs. At 1107hrs Bravo Company 45 element picked up 2 female detainees at BS788470, 17 and 27, no ID, will be sent to MACV Alpha Company continued to use Day Logger and multiple patrolling in their Search and Clear operations in their Area of Operation. At 0625hrs Alpha Company 02 is moving to BS784376, 03 to BS778366, 41 to BS775365, 42 to BS776374, 43 to BS776374, 43 to BS772382, 62 to BS775402 and the 63 element to BS780397. At 0735hrs Alpha Company 43 at BS769395 and 42 at BS770382 picked up four detainee 3 males and 1 female, they will be extracted to LZ Liz. Alpha Company set up in their Night Defense Position 81 and 74 elements are at BS774402, 41 at BS781407, 03 and 04 at BS762393 and multiple ambushes out. Bravo Company continued to work with their ARVN units with multiple ambushes.


Charlie Company
April 10, 1970

At 0512hrs Charlie Company 04 element had a Mechanical Ambush sprung at BS738465 and engaged the area with 4.2 Mortar fire in checking out the area we had negative finding. Charlie Company is using multiple patrolling in their Area of Operation. At 0658hrs Charlie Company the 04 element has checked out the area of mechanical ambush with negative finding. At 1400hrs Charlie Company conducts a Routine Dust Off made by Dolphin 10 for 1 US Barzendienicz, with injured lower right leg, resulting from a blasting cap. At grid BS730430 he dropped his pack and cap went off, he was sent to the rear. At 1900hrs Charlie Company 71 and 41 elements are moving to link up with SSGT Flower (HOA) at BS762462. At 1939hrs Charlie Company closed and linked up at BS762462. Charlie Company 74 element with ARVN at 2040hrs are sitting up a Cordon and Search, on intelligence from Chieu Hoi of a meeting 9 VC in a hootch at 2030hrs, killed one VC evading. We found 4 ID in the hootch of the meeting, the KIA wore a t shirt and shorts and was killed by small arms at grid BS750473. At 0045hrs Charlie Company all elements have closed on Mo Duc.


Delta Company
April 10, 1970

Delta Company continued with their Security Mission for LZ Liz.


Echo Company
April 10, 1970

Echo Company headquarters and 4.2 Mortar Platoon is location on LZ Liz, where the 4.2 Platoon providing direct fire support for the Battalion. At 4.2 Platoon has no report today. Echo Company Headquarters has the responsibility for Base Defense. At 1220hrs A Troop the 26 Night Defense Position is at BS830440, the 16 and 26 Night Defense Position is at BS840423 and the Recon snake is at BS840405 with no call sign. At 1740hrs Recon Platoon the 63 is at BS837405, the 64 is at BS833405 and the 61 snake is at BS837405. At 1943hrs Recon Platoon reports their locations 64 at BS833405, the 61 element at BS842403 and the 63 is at BS837405.

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